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John Danaher Reveals 4 Things That Make Gordon Ryan Great In BJJ

What makes Gordon Ryan so special? How is it that he became such a dominant force in no-gi BJJ in such a short period of time? Sure, he trains hard… But a lot of other Jiu-Jitsu athletes do so as...

Gordon Ryan: “Winning & Being The Best In The World Is Easy, But…”

Getting to the top is extremely difficult, but staying there is even tougher… And, in the world of no-gi BJJ, Gordon Ryan understands that fact best. In his words, winning can actually be easy –...

Gordon Ryan: „When I Was Younger, I Dreamed Of Having Tons Of Stuff“

When you grow up wanting to become the best at something, that usually comes with a lot of hard work and sacrifice. And then, when all that effort and sweat start to pay off, you’re extremely...

The Sumi Gaeshi Sweep Is The Best Sweep From Butterfly Guard

If you’re new to playing Butterfly Guard, you know how confusing it can be. For someone who has never tried it out, it can get incredibly frustrating – because no matter what you try, it...

Gordon Ryan: “I’m Looking For A Fu*king Challenge – Step Your Miserable Games Up”

Gordon Ryan has recently competed for the vacant WNO heavyweight title, against Pedro Marinho. He won the match in an extraordinarily domineering fashion… And now seems to be, sort of, bored by...

WNO: Gordon Ryan Dominates & Submits Pedro Marinho for Heavyweight Title

Gordon Ryan returned to competition yet again on July 14, in a bout for the vacant Who’s Number One (WNO) heavyweight title – against Pedro Marinho. Having dominated essentially the...

Gordon Ryan Teaches BJJ To British Royal Marines

There are many amazing things about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – from the health benefits it carries with itself to the self confidence it makes you feel… However, perhaps the greatest thing you...

Gordon Ryan Talks His Relationship with John Danaher: “I Am Forever In Debt To This Guy”

No one becomes successful just through their own merit, not even those who are the most successful in their field. Such is the case with Gordon Ryan as well who, despite what some may think of him,...

Gordon Ryan Applauds Roger Gracie: “He’s The Greatest Of All Time”

Gordon Ryan is best-known for two things: for being arguably the most elite grappler of today… And for his trash-talking skills. So, it’s not often that you’ll find him showering...

Gordon Ryan Fires Back at Tim Spriggs: “I Feel Like I’m Living In A Clown World Here”

Just a few months ago, Tim Spriggs was quoted by the Grappling Insider saying that Gordon Ryan “isn’t what he used to be”. Namely, that he doesn’t believe in his own skills...

Ryan Hall Suffers Complete ACL Tear – Gets Trolled By Gordon Ryan

Ryan Hall seems to be completely out of lack lately when it comes to injuries. Just a day ago, he had to undergo his 6th surgery in the last 14 months – due to a complete tear of his ACL. He...

Garry Tonon: “Gordon Helped Me See That My Flaws Make Me Unique”

Everyone needs a good friend in life. And not just a friend who you always see eye-to-eye with… But, rather, a friend who is quite different from you. And who, through those differences, shows...

It’s Official: Felipe Pena vs. Gordon Ryan Scheduled for August 7

It’s now official. After weeks and even months of speculations, the rumors and announcements have now officially been confirmed… As the Gordon Ryan vs. Felipe Pena match has been...

These Highly Effective Habits Will Supercharge Your Jiu-Jitsu

Image Credits: Evolve MMA If you want to improve in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to the best of your ability, then just training day in and day out isn’t going to cut it. Instead, you’ll need to...

Gordon Ryan & Felipe Pena Agree to Fight in Two Matches – Worth $220,000

The end of the rivalry between Gordon Ryan and Felipe Pena is nowhere in sight, but it seems that the match between the two is now closer than ever. As per Ryan, both him and Pena have agreed to...

Gordon Ryan Shares A Powerful Sentence That John Danaher Told Him When He Was 17 Years Old

There are a lot of components to becoming successful; most of which are to be found in simply being consistent with whatever it is that you’re doing. However, some of those things happen only...

Gordon Ryan & Garry Tonon Share Highly Effective Training Principles

If you’re looking for ways to up your training, then you need to listen to advice from professional athletes. For example, from Gordon Ryan and Garry Tonon. Both of them manage to train 7 times...

Gordon Ryan on Felipe Pena’s BJJ Stars 8 Performance: “Retire Now, Bro”

BJJ Stars, one of the biggest professional Jiu-Jitsu shows in Brazil, held its 8th event last Saturday – a Middleweight Grand Prix. It was full of spectacular matches, with Mica Galvao emerging...

Gordon Ryan Issues Health Update: “This Is One Of The Happiest Days In My Whole Life”

Gordon Ryan has been sidelined from competition for a while due to health issues. And, even though he recently started competing again, Gordon still isn’t in the clear… As he continues...

Gordon Ryan Gets “Promoted” to Brown Belt – One Day After His Purple Belt Promotion

Gordon Ryan has been on a streak lately! He’s seemingly intensified his gi training, now mainly due to being new training partners with Nicholas Meregali. As a matter of fact, he was...

Gordon Ryan Gets “Promoted” To BJJ Purple Belt by Nicholas Meregali

Gordon Ryan is a world-class grappler and a well-established BJJ black belt. Nevertheless, he doesn’t train in the gi nowhere as often as he does in no-gi; and he has a great sense of humor...

Gordon Ryan Releases An NFT: “The Cost Is One Ethereum”

Gordon Ryan has had his eye on making an NFT for some time already. And yesterday, he announced its release! Made in a collaboration with BJJ Fanatics, this NFT will include all of Ryan’s up...

Gordon Ryan on Andre Galvao: “We’re All On The Same Page About Him, Except Those Who Are In Denial”

The ADCC 2022 is coming closer with each passing week, and so is the highly anticipated superfight between Gordon Ryan and Andre Galvao. Ryan, as usual, is going towards the match with absolute...

Joe Rogan to Officially Sponsor Gordon Ryan for ADCC 2022

Just when you’d think that things couldn’t get more exciting for the upcoming ADCC 2022, the reality smacks you in the face to prove – that you’re wrong! Namely, Gordon Ryan...