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BJJ Doesn’t Get You Motivated Anymore? Do This To Get Back On Track

Jiu Jitsu, just like everything else in life, has its highs and lows. And sometimes, those lows hit much harder than they ever did, lasting for much longer periods of time than we’d want to....

Here’s Why It’s Good That You Started Training BJJ Later In Life

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. As Jiu Jitsu athletes, we often look so avidly at our younger training partners who are so much better than us; and that will, when they reach...

This is How To Build More Confidence In Your Jiu Jitsu Skills

Will you let us share a well-known secret… One that greatly influences how you’ll perform during your training rolls, as well as in tournaments? It doesn’t have anything to do with...

Lack Of Sleep Is Hindering Your Jiu Jitsu Much More Than You Think

You think that you’re doing everything you should be, don’t you? You’re training regularly and not just that; but every drill you execute is taken seriously and done to the best to...

How To Use Success In BJJ To Further Your Success In Life

Photo: Rehan Muttalib, BJJ black belt & medical doctor. How To Use Success In BJJ To Further Your Success In LifeBrazilian Jiu Jitsu and life that you live outside of the mats are very closely...

Didn’t Train BJJ For A While? Don’t Try To Make Up For Lost Time

It might be due to the Coronavirus crisis, some sort of an injury or a LOT of obligations at work, because of some other troubles you might’ve been experiencing or similar… But the fact...

Injured And Still Want To Continue With BJJ? Consider This First

Something snapped, popped or cracked? Whatever the sound may be, you know what’s up – you’re injured… What a bummer, right? Well, that’s not going to stop you. You’re...

Why You’re Not Improving In BJJ – And Why You Never Will

Everyone’s progress slows down from time to time, and even completely plateaus occasionally. This is not a cause for concern, as it’s just a natural growing curve that every Jiujiteiro...

What If Your Love Life Is Suffering Because Of BJJ?

Balancing BJJ with the rest of your life is never an easy task. Sometimes, those different areas of life come into direct confrontation with Jiu Jitsu – with one of them being the relationship you...

You Can’t Just Give Up When Stuck In A Bad Position

Jiu Jitsu is difficult! It puts you in all kind of uncomfortable positions, which you struggle to escape from; while at the same time your opponent is figuring out how to crush your spirit even more....

Foam Rolling: Here’s Why Every Grappler Needs To Do It

If you’re really dedicated towards becoming better in BJJ, then you should already know that it’s not just the training that will get you there. You need to incorporate other things as...

“I’m A White Belt And I Submitted That Black Belt!” Well, No… You Didn’t

Ah, the first Jiu Jitsu classes… Remember them? You started out innocently enough and went through a whole deal of strange bruising occurrences, as well as aches and pains that you’ve...

What You Don’t Know Is More Important Than What You Know In BJJ

It feels fantastic when you learn something new in your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class! You finally figure out that technique, you perform it better and better each time you drill, and you start hitting...

A New White Belt Just Tapped Me Out… What’s Happening?

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. Let’s say that you’ve been training BJJ for quite a while already, maybe somewhere in-between one and four years. And you’re...

Going Through A Break Up And Feeling Down? BJJ Can Help Out

You’ve probably experienced that sinking feeling; the one as if the world is crushing around you and as if you can’t really find your place in it anymore. Break ups are never a fun...

How To Keep Training Jiu Jitsu When Going Through Tough Times

It’s easy to do anything when life’s all „sunshine and rainbows“ – everything brings joy and comes easy to you! The same thing is true with Jiu Jitsu; when your life is in order,...

So You Want To Quit BJJ As A Blue Belt? Consider This First

The „blue belt blues“ in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, despite often being subjected to various jokes and memes, are as real as it gets. They happen to almost everyone that receives their blue belt, to...

Who Was Oscar Gracie? Find Out In The „Closed Guard: The Origins of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil“ Documentary

Even at first glance, you will notice that the history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is full of interesting things. Of exhilarating details that have played a very important role in how the Gentle Art has...

Here’s What Your BJJ Game Will Look Like At Each Belt Level

Your overarching goal in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu should always be to become better; to progress as much as you can, while enjoying your path with the experiences and friends you make along the way. So,...

This Is How You’ll Get A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Nickname

After you’ve been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a while, and after you’ve started experiencing the many colorful lifestyle aspects of it as well, you’ll notice that a lot of...

Is It Ever Okay To Refuse To Roll With Women?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is such a wonderful martial art! And not just because of the health and self-esteem benefits it has; but also because of its lifestyle benefits. One of those lifestyle aspects is...

Four Things That COVID-19 Will Change About BJJ In The Future

The current COVID-19 situation in the world is a very serious one; people are getting sick, oftentimes critically, and countries are attempting to fight the disease by going through extreme lockdown...

Want To Start With Jiu Jitsu? Accept These 4 Hard Truths First

Hooray, you just made a decision to start training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! BJJ will introduce great things to your life, such as: better health, stronger self-confidence, awesome friendships, the...

Here’s How Conor McGregor’s Day Of Eating Looks Like

A professional combat athlete’s schedule and regime are nothing short of very strict in all regards, including the diet – where it’s not only important to „eat healthy“, but to be...