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Which Hobby Should You Choose As A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Practitioner?

Oh, the love you feel for BJJ! You can barely grasp it, right? You think about it all the time, and there’s no place you’d rather be than on the mats. Truth be told – you’re the...

Gisele Bündchen, Brazilian Supermodel, Trains BJJ with Valente Brothers

Image Credits: Numéro Magazine Gisele Bündchen is a famous Brazilian fashion model – and has been one of the highest-paid supermodels in the world since 2001. However, what a lot of people...

Jiutopia Camp: Train with Rafael Lovato Jr., Romulo Barral, Michelle Nicolini, & Marco Canha

Picture this… You’ve just arrived to train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a place you’ve never seen before. Actually, it’s a place that is different from all other BJJ gyms...

Perfection Is Important… But Improvement Matters More In BJJ

You really want to become the best that you can in BJJ, eh? To learn all the techniques, setups, transitions and details… Just about EVERYTHING that you can, so that you can reach perfection on...

Does Jiu Jitsu Inflate Your Ego?

You constantly hear people saying how „Brazilian Jiu Jitsu destroys the ego“ and how it „makes them into a better person“. However, is it really true that BJJ makes you less...

Why BJJ Doesn’t Make You Happy.. And How To Change That

When you first started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, everything was so great! The novelty of the sport, the challenging techniques and the exhilaration when you’d learn them, the great people...

4 Things John Danaher Can Teach You With His Analytical Approach

John Danaher is the most known about and, arguably, the most knowledgeable BJJ Professor today. The successes of his students are the testament to his success as a coach; whereas his mind-blowing...

Everyday Porrada – How Romulo Barral’s Philosophy Can Help Your BJJ

Everyday Porrada! If you train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, then you’ve heard this phrase before. Well, it’s more than just a phrase – it’s a philosophy and movement, with Romulo Barral...

When Everything Else Turns For Worse, You Can Always Return To BJJ

Life isn’t passive, but it’s in a state of constant change. Sometimes, this change is good and welcome. But sometimes, it transforms everything around you into an almost uncontrollable...

It’s The Experiences You’ll Gain Through BJJ That Matter Most

Oh, the love you feel towards BJJ – it’s just immeasurable, right? You could drill and roll all day long, and you’d never get tired from it. Simply enough, Jiu-Jitsu makes you really...

Want To Travel The World And Train BJJ? Consider These 4 Things

Ever felt that desire to just leave the place that you’re living in for a short while, so as to simply toss yourself into the world; travelling it, meeting different cultures and people, and...

Are You A BJJ Kids Coach? Here’s How To Be A Great One

Image Credits: Evolve MMA So you just got „promoted“ into a kids coach at your BJJ academy? Congratulations! Being a kids coach is no easy business, it will get REALLY challenging at times…...

“Saved By The Bell” Actor Mario Lopez Talks BJJ: “It’s Like Physical Chess”

If you are in your thirties and over, you may remember the cult TV show from the 90’s’ Saved by the Bell’ and the A.C Slater character; played by Mario Lopez. Well, Lopez has been training...

Craig Jones Announces “BJJ Social Skills” Instructional

Sure, you’re good in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu when it comes to techniques… And you’re great when it comes to getting all available instructionals out there. But how good are you when it...

How BJJ Can Help You In Dealing With The Loss Of A Loved One

Losing a loved one is always devastating. And it’s not easy to come to terms with it, especially if it was someone really close to you. It can take months and even years before you, at least...

Rickson Gracie & Jocko Willink: “Stay Calm in Bad Positions, Jiu-Jitsu is Life”

The best crossovers are rarely ever expected, but are almost always welcome. Especially in the world of Jiu-Jitsu… And wouldn’t you guess it: Rickson Gracie has just appeared on an...

Craig Jones Explains How To Earn $$$ And Become A Full Time Grappler

Would you like to start earning money from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Not just a bit here and there, and not just to get by, however – but instead, to earn a living from grappling? Then you should,...

Should You Use The DE LA RIVA GUARD In MMA?

Let’s say that you’ve been training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for a while, and that you’ve decided to take a step into mixed martial arts now. You’re working on your striking and...

Dangers of Being Too Obsessed About Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Being driven is most often a good thing. If you’re highly motivated and wish to continue improving every day, being a tad obsessed about Jiu-Jitsu is going to get you extremely far. However,...

Opinion: Should You Rank Older People and Women Differently in BJJ?

Do you think that older people and women should be rank promoted differently than other people on the mats? Do you think that there should be some special criteria, that will set them apart from...

What does the CHANT at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Matches Mean?

Ever been to a BJJ competition? Either as a spectator or as someone who’s competing? If so, then you’ve probably heard a chant or two, coming from the crowd. These chants are loud and...

Story of Jurandir Conceição: “BJJ Helped Me Cope With Father’s Suicide and Overcome Depression”

BJJ is more than just a sport or a martial art. It’s a way of life; and it’s something that can improve your whole life for the better. No matter the circumstances. Jurandir Conceição...

Watch: POWERFUL Jiu-Jitsu HAKA Performed by New Zealanders

Almost everyone gets the chills when they watch the “Haka” being performed: a traditional war cry, dance, and Maori challenge that comes from New Zealand. It’s performed not just by...

When You Can’t Stop Yourself From Letting Everyone Know You Train BJJ

Yeah, we know. You train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and you’re cool because of that! But it’s easy for us to know, as well as your training partners and other fellow Jiujiteiros; for we train it...