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Why PRIVATE CLASSES Really Pay Off In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Private classes! If you’ve been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a while (or even if you’re just beginning your BJJ journey), the thought of going for a private or two has certainly...

The Right MINDSET And APPROACH When Rolling With Better Training Partners

So, your coach matched you with that terrifying blue belt (again) for your next roll. He’s bigger, stronger, faster, and much more technically sound than you are. In short: he’s way...

Does Training At Other BJJ Academies Make You Disloyal?

You LOVE your BJJ Academy! The people there, the coach(es), the way training is constructed – it all makes perfect sense for you, and you enjoy being there every second you can. However, for one...

Should Your Kids Train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu As Their First Sport?

So you fell in love with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and have been training it for quite some time now. In fact, you came to love and enjoy it so much, that you’re thinking of getting your kids to...

Position Or Submission: Which Should Come First In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Uhhh, soooo… You’ve been training BJJ for a bit, and there is (still) this one thought that keeps troubling you: position or submission? Should you go for the position first, before you...

Toeholds: Jiu Jitsu’s Forgotten (And Extremely Useful) Submission

Toeholds! How often do you practice them, how often do you go for them when you roll; be it in training or competition? Chances are that the answer is: „Honestly, not so often.“ And you’re...

Why Does My Elbow Hurt? Dealing With Elbow Tendonitis In BJJ

One moment, you’re training Jiu Jitsu and everything is going fine; you’re rolling, submitting people, tapping out occasionally, learning new techniques, and just all-around having fun....

You SHOULD Practice LOW PERCENTAGE Moves In BJJ at all Times

If you want to win in Jiu Jitsu, you’ve got to use the right techniques! This is true for the defensive, escape, guard passing, and for the submission techniques alike. So, it’s often...

Take Online Private Jiu-Jitsu Lessons From The Best In The World NOW – The “BJJ HI” App

Imagine learning BJJ from the legends themselves… From Renzo Gracie, Buchecha, Felipe Pena, Braulio Estima – just how awesome would that be? Now, imagine that you didn’t have to travel...

How To Safely Train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu In Your 50’s And Onward

Regardless of how old you may be, the love for Jiu Jitsu will follow you for as long as you’re alive. The way it makes you feel better about yourself, and the smile it puts on your face…...

How To Learn Techniques When No One Wants To Drill Them With You

You can think of drills whatever you want, but the matter of fact is that – for most people – they work very well! „Repetition is mother of learning“, as the old Latin saying would go;...

How To Mentally Cope With Being Unable To Train BJJ For A Long Time

After you’ve been training BJJ for quite a while and after you’ve fallen in love with it, it can be extremely difficult when you suddenly can’t train for a long time. This can...

How To Prepare For A BJJ Competition With A Different Ruleset

Competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu isn’t as simple as just „going out there“ and „giving your best“. Sure, it’s important to enjoy the experience and have fun; but if you want to...

Jiu Jitsu Is Great… But Remember: It Isn’t Everything

Do you sometimes find yourself daydreaming about Jiu Jitsu? Thinking about all of the techniques you’ve been learning and drilling, about the rolls and submissions you had, as well as the...

0$ In Your Wallet? Here’s How To Start Training BJJ When You’re Broke

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is so much more than just a martial art. It’s an opportunity not just to get fit and skillful, able to defend yourself; but it’s a fantastic door to life-long...

Do THIS To Have Consistent Levels Of ENERGY In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Have you noticed that your Jiu Jitsu training sessions aren’t really similar to one another? It’s not just about how „well“ your training goes – meaning, how much you’ve...

Are You A Bad BJJ Student? Answer These 3 Questions

Perhaps the most important thing in BJJ for you, as a Jiujiteiro, is to have fun! To enjoy the time you spend on the mats, to revel in the learning and trying of new techniques, and to have plenty of...

Not Satisfied With Your BJJ Progress? Take A Step Back – Appreciate How Far You Came

How do you feel about your current Jiu Jitsu progress? Are you really satisfied about it? Perhaps borderline satisfied… Or not satisfied at all? Training BJJ can sometimes be a real...

No Time For BJJ? Getting Up Early In The Morning Will Solve This Issue

It’s so easy to train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when you’re young! When you’re a kid or even a student, your life basically comes down to going to school/university, studying, Jiu Jitsu...

The Importance Of Proper TIMING In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. Not everything is about techniques in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Sure, technique is most important – for, if you don’t have it, what will you...

How To Prevent Getting A Staph Infection In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

One of the worst things that can happen when you train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is being forced to stop training. Almost every Jiujiteiro understands what this is about; you enjoy spending time on the...

Should You Visit And Train In Other BJJ Gyms? Yes – This Is Why And How

So, perhaps you’ve just gotten a bit of time off of work, or you passed all of your exams… Or you simply created more free time for yourself; and you’ve decided to spend it by going...

5 Reasons Why You Will NEVER Be Good at Jiu Jitsu

Sometimes, the lack of progress will just show up and there’s not much you’ll be able to do about it, except continue training. This is a part of the usual „progress cycle“, where...

Most Stupid Ways To Get Injured In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

All things aside, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art and combat sport. And, just like it is the case with any combat sport, chances are that you’ll get injured somewhere along the line....