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How To Keep Training Jiu Jitsu When Going Through Tough Times

It’s easy to do anything when life’s all „sunshine and rainbows“ – everything brings joy and comes easy to you! The same thing is true with Jiu Jitsu; when your life is in order,...

How To Handle a BJJ Training Partner That Makes Your Life a Living Hell

Much of the time you spend training BJJ is going to consist out of moments of true happiness, of total immersion in doing that which you enjoy. However, some of those times will be less good than...

Pursue Your Dream Of Becoming A BJJ World Champion Or Be a Great Mediocre BJJ Student?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is all about making progress every time you’re on the mats. It’s about reaching new heights as a Jiujiteiro, ones you thought would never be possible. But what if you...

Bernardo Faria On How To Make The Best Use Of Your BJJ Training Time

While it’s, without a doubt, important to come to BJJ classes as often as possible in order to accrue the invaluable mat time, quality still exceeds quantity in Jiu Jitsu. Those hours you spend...

Here’s What Your BJJ Game Will Look Like At Each Belt Level

Your overarching goal in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu should always be to become better; to progress as much as you can, while enjoying your path with the experiences and friends you make along the way. So,...

PED Use Impacts Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu More Than Any Combat Sport

When PEDs (Performance Enhancing Dr*gs) are mentioned, more often than not the first thing that comes to mind is – muscle. In other words, both muscle growth (or hypertrophy), as well as increases...

Get Your Cardio To The Next Level With Dan Vallimont’s Circuit Workout

You can have all of the grappling skills in the world that you want, but if you don’t have enough cardio to go through a difficult match – then those skills won’t matter! So, it’s...

Is It Ever Okay To Refuse To Roll With Women?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is such a wonderful martial art! And not just because of the health and self-esteem benefits it has; but also because of its lifestyle benefits. One of those lifestyle aspects is...

Should I Use Illegal BJJ Techniques In Training?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an ocean, full of wonderful techniques! However, some of those techniques can’t be used in certain competitions. Whether you have a certain belt, at the level of which...

Four Things That COVID-19 Will Change About BJJ In The Future

The current COVID-19 situation in the world is a very serious one; people are getting sick, oftentimes critically, and countries are attempting to fight the disease by going through extreme lockdown...

You Want To Train BJJ Twice Per Day? Here’s What You Should Consider

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. Okay, so you’ve decided to start training twice per day – in hopes of getting your Jiu Jitsu to the next level. Fair enough! However,...

It’s Not About How Old You Are, But How Old You Feel In BJJ

„Am I getting too old for BJJ?“ As time passes, and the months and the years of life accrue, you might start worrying and asking yourself if you’re getting a bit old for Brazilian Jiu...

How To Modify The 5×5 Strength Training Program For Grapplers

So, you’ve been training Jiu Jitsu for a while and absolutely love it! However, you also want to become stronger and you figured out that BJJ, in and of itself, doesn’t help you too much...

Jocko Willink’s Brilliant Answer To “I Don’t Have Money For Jiu Jitsu”

Let’s say that you just found out about BJJ and that you want to start training it… Or that you are already training something else, such as going to a gym, and that BJJ has sparked your...

You’ve Been Doing It Wrong; This Is The Secret To An Effective Lockdown in BJJ

A lot of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners think that the Lockdown is just about, well, locking your opponent’s leg – but it’s not that simple. Coach Magnus Hansson, from 10th Planet...

Train With The Best at The Caribbean Roots Camp with Samuel Braga, Erik Wanderley, Valerie Letourneau & More

What’s the one most important, most beautiful thing that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has given you? What would you say has given you the best goosebumps? Chances are – it’s the experiences....

Make Your Grappling Game More Aggressive With These 3 Small Adjustments

It seems that there are nowadays many people complaining that BJJ has become „too soft“ – with a lot of critics pointing towards the stalling nature of most matches, where competitors aim to...

Brendan Schaub: ‘BJJ Specialists Are The Worst Specialists In MMA’

In his recent Below The Belt podcast episode, Brendan Schaub – a former MMA fighter and a stand-up comedian – has spoken, amongst other things, about Kron Gracie’s recent UFC fight versus...

How To Find Your Own BJJ Style

Finding one’s personal BJJ style is a never ending road – there will always be options for improvement, no matter how much experience a jiujitero may have. However, the biggest hurdle to...

How to Improve in Wrestling as a BJJ Newcomer

For the latecomers to BJJ and grappling in general, one aspect of the sport can sometimes prove itself to be even more difficult to understand and do well than jiu jitsu: wrestling. Most of the...

Leg Lock Torpedos: Heel Hooks From Bottom Mount

    Dan Faggella is a BJJ Academy Owner, No Gi Pan Am Champion at 130 pounds, and recognized expert in the area of leg locks. Dan writes or Jiu Jitsu Magazine, Jiu Jitsu Style, MMA Sports...