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Lachlan Giles Shares The “Hidden Component” To Fast(er) BJJ Progress

Lachlan Giles shared his insights on accelerating progress in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – stressing the importance of independent thinking and self-directed learning. Speaking with Craig Jones on the El...

Roger Gracie Shares Simple (But Not Easy) Advice For Becoming Better At Jiu-Jitsu

There are many things you could do to improve in Jiu-Jitsu. But there are only several key things you could act upon to make an enormous difference in your game with. 10-time World Champion Roger...

Become More Creative in BJJ by Rolling Like Rickson Gracie

Do you feel as if you’re somewhat stalling with your progress in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu… As if the things that used to work for you don’t work as well anymore, and as if you’re...

#1 Advice To Improve In Jiu-Jitsu: Let Good Positions Work For You

When you begin training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you often get gassed out really quickly. And not just because you don’t have the cardio – but also because you don’t know how to move...

How To Keep Your Motivation In BJJ If You’re Getting Manhandled All The Time?

Maintaining motivation in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, especially when you find yourself frequently overpowered by larger opponents, can indeed be challenging. However, with the right mindset and approach,...

The #1 Reason Why You Should Roll With Brand New, Spazzy BJJ White Belts

Rolling with brand new, spazzy white belts is something that most seasoned BJJ athletes avoid. They think of it as a waste of time; after all, why should you spar against someone who literally has no...

John Danaher: “No One Cares If You Got A Black Belt”

What does it take to earn a black belt Brazilian in Jiu-Jitsu? Well, it takes a lot of effort, focus, and a lot of overcoming of failure… But, the truth is, that you’ll probably get your...

Not Improving In BJJ? Training Harder Isn’t The Answer

Reaching a plateau in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be frustrating. You might be putting in countless hours on the mat, rolling and drilling, but see no significant improvements. This common scenario leads...

Lachlan Giles Reveals How To Improve In BJJ With Limited Time

Wouldn’t it be great if all you could do during the day is train, think, and watch stuff about Jiu-Jitsu? Well, there’s other stuff that needs attending to. Such as your family, your...

Learning Few vs. Many Techniques In BJJ – Which Is Better?

Here’s the thing. There is a billion techniques in Jiu-Jitsu… Okay, maybe not a billion, but there are so many techniques that there’s no chance that you’ll be able to learn...

How To Be More Aggressive At The Start of a BJJ Match?

Do you start rolls at a slow pace? As in, you slap and bump with your training partner, and then you start out by rolling really slowly… Only to be down on points (or submissions) really quickly?...

Dean Lister’s Leg Lock Advice: “You Have To Do Much More Of This…”

Know that saying: “Why would you ignore 50% of the human body?” It was made popular by John Danaher… But it was actually Dean Lister that Danaher heard it from first. So, it’s...

Why Are You A BJJ Blue Belt For Such A Long Time?

It might’ve been a while since you were promoted to a BJJ blue belt… And it’s, kind of, getting on your nerves. More than anything, you’re confused; even though you’re...

How To Be “Faster” In Jiu-Jitsu As An Older Grappler?

As an older grappler, you’ve probably had an experience or two of rolling against younger athletes… When you were thinking to yourself how awesome it would be to be just a little bit...

John Danaher’s 2 Tips For When You Can’t Train BJJ

Everyone who rolls has, at time or another, come to a situation when they can’t train BJJ. Be it because of an injury, obligations, or just “life” – sometimes you simply...

7 Tips For Getting Your BJJ Purple Belt Promotion

Going from blue to the purple belt is not an easy task. Sure, you could’ve received your blue belt just on the basis of consistency, but if your purple belt is going to be worth anything…...

BJJ Pro Tip: Use Your Feet Like Hands

One of the most important things you could (and should) learn in Jiu-Jitsu is to use everything you have available. But, when you’re used to just using your hands, it can be difficult figuring...

Improvement In BJJ Has A Price… Are You Willing To Pay For It?

So you want to become better in Jiu-Jitsu, right… But are you willing to pay the price for it? No, not the price of training, sweat, and hard work. It’s obvious that you’re already...

Fancy Moves Or Foundational Techniques? John Danaher Offers A Different Perspective

When it comes to training rolls and competition, it’s normal that you’d like to hit that fancy move… To “wow” the crowd (or even just your coach). However, even though...

Gordon Ryan Criticizes BJJ Practitioners For Being Too Focused On Just “Training Hard”

How do you usually feel after training Jiu-Jitsu? Probably exhausted – physically… But what are you thinking about after? More so, what do you think about during training itself?...

2x ADCC Champ JT Torres: “Those Who Train Both Gi & No-Gi Have An Advantage”

To gi or not to gi… That is the question. Though the answer could be pretty obvious – as it might be best to train both. For, even if you’re competing exclusively in either,...

Why Making A Choice – Any Choice – Is Better Than Doing Nothing In Jiu-Jitsu

Sometimes, when you roll and/or compete, you get into a position… And you don’t know what to do from there. Be it a defensive or an offensive position, you’re not sure what the...

Get Promoted To Purple Belt Faster – Cheat Code For Faster Progress in BJJ

If you’re a blue belt – if you’ve already spent some time on the mats – chances are that you can’t wait to get your purple belt. And rightfully so; even though you...

John Danaher’s Great Hand Fighting Advice: “Don’t Forget…”

Hand fighting is one of the most important parts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, as it will often determine who has the more dominant grips. However, contrary to as to how it may sound, hand fighting...