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John Danaher Reveals The Importance Of “Surprise Factor” In Jiu-Jitsu

There are heaps of things that you have to keep in mind when it comes to Jiu-Jitsu… Especially when it comes to competition matches. And especially in regards to things that have to do with...

John Danaher Explains How To Improve In Jiu-Jitsu: “For Long Term Progress…”

So you’d like to improve better and faster in Jiu-Jitsu, correct? There are two avenues that you could take: working on your already existing skills and acquiring the skills you don’t...

How Much Speed Should You Use In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

There are a lot of factors going into how good you will become in Jiu-Jitsu. The technique is the most important one, but there’re also explosiveness, strength… And speed. But how much...

Felipe Costa Reveals Why Competing Is The Key To Progress In Jiu-Jitsu

So you’d like to improve faster and better on the mats than it’s been the case up until now, correct? Here’s a word of advice: compete. Sure, not everyone who trains wants to...

BJJ Advice: Just Do Something (Even If It’s Wrong)

Ever been stuck in a position or with a “problem” that you can’t solve in Jiu-Jitsu… Without doing anything about it? How did it feel after the round ended? Not the best,...

The Key To Jiu-Jitsu Improvement: Learn To Layer Skills

There so many techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that it can often feel overwhelming to learn them all. But that’s the key, actually. You shouldn’t be trying to learn them all....

Should You Be Able To Do A Technique Symmetrically, On Both Sides Of Your Body?

So you’re becoming increasingly proficient in executing a technique on one side of your body… But what about the other side? Should you aim to perform the technique with the same quality...

Rayron Gracie Shares Personal Approach & Insights About BJJ Success

What’s the most important, most valuable skill that a BJJ athlete can have? No, it’s not any sort of a submission technique chain nor a guard pass… It isn’t even being courageous nor being...

The Value Of Being Creative & Experimenting In Jiu-Jitsu

How often do you experiment with new (or, simply, unfamiliar) techniques, setups, and sequences in Jiu-Jitsu? In other words: how often do you work on being creative in BJJ? Well, Brian Glick...

BJJ Advice: Don’t Focus Just On Pinning People, But On Actually Submitting Them

Ever rolled with someone who, when they get into a dominant position, just… Holds you there? Not fun, right? Well, that’s because the whole purpose of Jiu-Jitsu is submitting your...

Josh Hinger: “Don’t Go To Competitions With Doubts Or Regrets”

So you want to compete, right? And you’re feeling excited about it? That’s awesome! But there’s one thing you should take seriously beforehand: preparation. You need to train...

John Danaher: “How Fast You Progress Is Not As Important As How Long You Progress”

Feeling frustrated due to lack of progress lately? John Danaher understand where you’re coming from. And he has some sage advice to share: One of the hardest things about jiu jitsu is the...

The Importance Of Absorbing Ideas In Jiu-Jitsu (Not Just Being Exposed To Them)

You’re probably exposed to, like, a thousand different techniques each year. Okay, maybe not a thousand… But certainly to a lot of different moves, most of which you don’t really...

The Value Of Patience In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

If you want to learn, if you want to truly improve in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, then it’s paramount that you develop patience. It doesn’t matter how fast (or how slow) you go. Patience will...

Invaluable BJJ Advice: Pressure Over Time

Do you often find yourself rushing towards the submission? As in, you’re trying to make it happen but your training partners seem to always escape it with ease? That’s probably because...

How To Deal With Chaos In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

If you’ve just started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (or even if you’ve been training for a while), you’ve probably felt kind of anxious here and there… Simply because...

John Danaher Explains Why You Should Start A Technique The Best You Can

Whenever you go for a technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, your aim should be to start it the best that you can. Why so? John Danaher explains in depth: The better a move starts – the easier it...

Robert Drysdale Reveals The Question All BJJ Practitioners Need To Ask Themselves

So you train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and you want to become good at it… Well, then there is one question that you – as well as almost every other BJJ practitioner – should ask yourself....

Dilemmas: The Secret To Success In Jiu-Jitsu

So you have a submission you want to go for in training… But your training partners keep defending it. Could it be because your technique sucks? Well, it most certainly could be. But it could...

How To Improve In Jiu-Jitsu? Start Thinking Long-Term

So you’d like to improve in Jiu-Jitsu as fast as possible, right? Of course, that’s what every single BJJ practitioner wants… But the way to do that, paradoxically, is to start...

Key Mindset For Jiu-Jitsu: Taking It Step By Step

Getting from the beginning of the round in Jiu-Jitsu to the submission can seem like a long road to take. Especially when rolling against someone who is on the same (or higher) skill level as you...

Mat Awareness: The Hidden Weapon In Jiu-Jitsu

One of the most crucial – and yet, not often spoken of – skills that you can develop in Jiu-Jitsu is the skill of mat awareness. It’s a skill that will serve a dual purpose, the...

Want To Improve In Jiu-Jitsu? It’s Not Enough To “Just Show Up”

You often hear the “just show up” advice when it comes to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu… But is this advice really enough for making substantial progress on the mats? Nick...

The “Secret” To Getting Rid Of Crushing Top Pressure In Jiu-Jitsu

It’s not fun getting crushed in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Especially when the person applying the pressure knows what they’re doing. However, there is an extremely simple concept that you...