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Tom DeBlass’ Advice For Non-Competitors: “Don’t Hold Yourself At The Same Standards”

Do you often find yourself comparing with those “monsters” on the mat… Who, even though they are on the same belt level as you are, can tap you out 9 times out of 10? (With that 1...

Garry Tonon Shares Great Advice Given By Tom DeBlass: “Who Gives A F*ck About You?”

Today, Garry Tonon is one of the most elite submission grapplers in the world. But even he had to start somewhere. Even Tonon was, once upon a time, a purple belt teaching at his coach’s...

Tom DeBlass Promoted To 4th Degree BJJ Black Belt

Tom DeBlass, one of the most recognized and respected personalities in the BJJ world, has been promoted to 4th degree BJJ black belt! The promotion took place just a few hours ago, by DeBlass’...

Tom DeBlass Praises Stem Cell Therapy: “My Shoulders Have Improved Dramatically”

Tom DeBlass has had a ton of issues with his shoulders, from all the years of competing and training hard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The pain was so severe that he wasn’t even able to sleep...

Tom DeBlass Reveals A Gracious Message He Received From Gordon Ryan (In 2017)

Gordon Ryan is one of the most polarizing figures in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He embraces trash talk against his opponents and often times pushes it to the limit, frequently making the BJJ community...

Tom DeBlass Shows How To Defend Against The Kimura From Closed Guard

In Jiu-Jitsu the best defense is to not get there in the first place, but what happens if you’ve had the misfortune of making a mistake and got caught in a tight submission? Getting caught in a...

Tom DeBlass Shows An Easy Kneebar Setup From Butterfly Guard

Most of us get caught up using our half guard to try to control the weight and pressure our opponents are able to inflict on us, while we are desperately trying not to let them pass our guards. Last...

Tom DeBlass To Start A BJJ Anti-Bullying Initiative

Tom DeBlass, one of the most recognizable Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu coaches in the world and a veteran BJJ competitor himself, has recently announced that he’s starting a Jiu-Jitsu anti-bullying...

Tom DeBlass Reveals One Of His Biggest Regrets: “I Was Training 100%, 6 Days A Week”

When you train and when you fall in love with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you want to spend as much time on the mats as possible, right? And you want to give it your best every single time, pushing yourself...

Tom DeBlass: “I’ll Absolutely Mop My Floors”

Whose responsibility is it to mop the mats after a BJJ class is over? Well, there’s no “correct” answer to this question. Rather, it’s about what’s agreed upon between...

Tom DeBlass: “Tom Hardy Is A Very Solid BJJ Blue Belt”

Tom Hardy is a 4-stripe BJJ blue belt… But how good, really, are his Jiu-Jitsu skills? Well, Tom DeBlass – who’s been coaching the famous actor a couple of times, as well as...

Tom DeBlass: “Life Can be Hard – So When You Get On Those Mats, Don’t Make It Harder!”

The matter of the fact is that life can be very difficult… And that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu should be an outlet for you and your stress; not an addition to it. Nevertheless, a lot of BJJ students...

Tom DeBlass’s Advice for BJJ Beginners: “Keep Jiu-Jitsu A Game, Keep It Fun”

Are you interested in starting out with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Or have you already begun training… But somewhat feel overwhelmed by the entire ordeal? Tom DeBlass understands what you’re...

Tom DeBlass: “It Really Grinds My Gears When Dudes Don’t Know How To Train Properly With Females”

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is for everyone. For young and old, male and female, injured and not-injured-just-yet… It’s a fantastic martial art. But, it still requires you to learn how to handle...

Tom DeBlass Shares Advice For BJJ Instructors: “Give Equal Attention To People”

BJJ instructors don’t have it easy. They have to take care of the training curriculum, of class itself, of how students perform in training and in competition… As well as if they’re...

Tom DeBlass: “I Take TRT – It Can Greatly Benefit Thousands Of Men”

There’s quite a bit of commotion about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in the world of both professional and amateur athletes, as well as everyday folk. And while some say that...

Garry Tonon: “I Am Forever Grateful For The Things I Learned From Tom DeBlass”

It was Tom DeBlass’ birthday a few weeks ago. And one of the best presents he could’ve received was the one from Garry Tonon – who wrote an emotional Instagram post about Tom and how grateful...

Tom DeBlass Featured by Forbes Magazine: „As Long As You’re Resilient, You Can Do It“

Effort, persistence, discipline and resilience pay off – just ask Tom DeBlass. Years ago, he opened up his first BJJ school as a brown belt (and after quitting his teaching job), charging $20,000...

Tom DeBlass: “A Couple Times Training A Week Is More Than Enough”

So you’ve started training later in life and you’re not a professional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athlete… But you want to train almost as if you were one. And the reason? It’s...

Jiu-Jitsu Is Supposed To Be Your Outlet – So Don’t Leave Training Stressed

Be honest with us… How many times have you been done with your Jiu-Jitsu class, only to feel frustrated and stressed out about it afterwards? Perhaps things weren’t going your way. Maybe...

Do You Follow These 10 Jiu-Jitsu Commandments?

If you want to be (at least reasonably) successful at anything that you do, then it’s a good idea to follow through a set number of rules which will make your success more easily attained. And...

The Power Of Jiu-Jitsu: How Kyle, BJJ Brown Belt, Pressure-Tapped a 260lbs Bodybuilder

There’s no denying it… Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be a true superpower once you get good at it. It makes you tougher and better able to overcome hardships, both in training and life in...

Tom DeBlass: “Jiu-Jitsu Students, Lower Your Expectations”

Training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is fun… But can sometimes be extraordinarily difficult on the mind, too. Especially when you get into the trap of comparing yourself to other, more skilled training...

Tom DeBlass: “When I Was 23, My Girlfriend Laughed at My Dream To Open a BJJ School”

As you climb towards success – in BJJ and everything else in life – you’re going to encounter some obstacles. Unfortunately, those obstacles will sometimes be the people you deeply...