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Caio Terra’s Advice For White Belts: “Don’t Focus Too Much On Trying To Get Better”

You’re a BJJ white belt, in the search for advice from experienced athletes… So why not listen to the advice from Caio Terra, a 12x world champion? Terra emphasizes that white belts...

Bo Nickal Shares How He Beat An Entire BJJ School During His First Class

Bo Nickal has excelled in professional MMA, finishing all five of his UFC fights in the very first round. Most of them via submission. He is also a three-time NCAA Division 1 wrestling national...

Robert Drysdale: “BJJ Came Into My Life At The Right Moment”

How old were you when you first started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Robert Drysdale was 17… And he feels that BJJ found him at just the right moment in life. He explained why in an interview...

John Danaher Shares The First 2 Skills Every BJJ White Belt Should Learn

Let’s say that you just started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu… That you’re a fresh BJJ white belt and that you’re kind of confused. There are so many techniques and positions...

Mikey Musumeci’s Advice For BJJ Beginners: “Take It Slow”

There’s going to be a ton of advice that you’ll receive when you first start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu… But none of them may be as valuable as the following advice from Mikey...

Jocko Willink Recalls The First Time He Got Tapped Out: “In Less Than A Minute”

How was the first encounter with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for you? It was, probably, a mix of sudden humbleness and excitement at once… Because you couldn’t believe that you could get tapped...

Tom DeBlass’s Advice for BJJ Beginners: “Keep Jiu-Jitsu A Game, Keep It Fun”

Are you interested in starting out with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Or have you already begun training… But somewhat feel overwhelmed by the entire ordeal? Tom DeBlass understands what you’re...

Are You Making These 5 Beginner BJJ Mistakes?

Here’s the deal: everyone makes mistakes from time to time. And that’s fine, especially in the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – because how else are you going to learn? However, if...

BJJ Term “Spaz” Declared As A Slur By Woke Culture – Because Of Beyoncé

Image Credits: Beyoncé Instagram The term “spaz” in BJJ often refers to beginners who try to escape a position through lack of coordination and technique – with frantic,...

Advice for White Belts: Don’t Stress About What Your Coach Thinks of You

If you’re a white belt (or even a blue belt), you might find yourself wanting to impress your higher-ranked training partners as you roll. You might want to do this even against your coach, by...

Ana Carolina Schmitt’s Advice for Women Starting BJJ: “Do It For Yourself”

Training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is difficult. No matter how excited you are about it as a beginner, you will soon find out that not everything is sunshine and rainbows. And, in those moments, it’s...

Fabio Gurgel: “BJJ Beginners Should Be Taught Self-Defense Before Anything Else”

Imagine going to your first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class, being clueless so as to what BJJ actually looks like. You kind of have an idea that you’ll learn things that have to do with being able to...

How To Avoid Injuries When Rolling with Spazzy White Belts?

Learning how to deal with those new spazzy white belts in BJJ… Can be a rather difficult task. Although you should have the patience for them (we were all beginners once, weren’t we?),...

The Number One Rule Every New BJJ White Belt Has To Follow

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. You’ve just begun training BJJ, haven’t you? We’re certain that you’re simply amazed by all of the creativity and...

Building yourself an Effective BJJ Game Based on High Level Fundamentals

Learning the fundamentals is easy when you’re just starting out with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. For the most part, and most of the time, they’re fun to learn; in the end of ends, everything is...

This Is How To Use The Collar Drag To Start Attacking From The Bottom

Do you consider yourself to be a good, or at least an average bottom guard BJJ player? How about in the Gi – are you any better in it than without it? Whatever your answer may be, the truth is...

“I’m A White Belt And I Submitted That Black Belt!” Well, No… You Didn’t

Ah, the first Jiu Jitsu classes… Remember them? You started out innocently enough and went through a whole deal of strange bruising occurrences, as well as aches and pains that you’ve...

Advice For Beginners: Learn These Basics Of Mount Defense First

When you’re a beginner, absolutely everything is unexpected in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! Most of the time, you won’t know what’s going on and what you should or shouldn’t do;...

Want To Start With Jiu Jitsu? Accept These 4 Hard Truths First

Hooray, you just made a decision to start training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! BJJ will introduce great things to your life, such as: better health, stronger self-confidence, awesome friendships, the...

JT Torres Gives Advice On Bow & Arrow Choke & Shares a Story On Getting His Blue Belt From Royce Gracie

He is one of today’s most exciting lightweight grapplers – an athlete whose technique finesse and entertaining style have brought him to becoming a number one not just for many fans of the...

Weekly White Belt Advice: An Introduction to The Series!

Being a BJJ white belt is far from easy. The surroundings are new, the pressure – not just the psychological one, but the one from being inside your training partner’s side control as well...

Advice for BJJ Beginners Nervous About Getting Smashed

Jiu-jitsu is an inherently social activity. There aren’t any really good ways to learn it by yourself. You can try practicing on a grappling dummy in your garage, but that will only take you so...