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Henry Akins Explains How To Make Your Side Control As Heavy As Possible

Passing someone’s guard is hard enough, so once you finally get to Side Control – you want to be able to hold it without using too much energy. For, if the opponent escapes this position...

Submit Everyone With The Leg-in Triangle From Everywhere

The… What? Yes – the Cryangle! *Spooky music plays in the background* Yes, this position does feel as terrifying as it sounds, and you can use it both as a choke in and of itself, as well as...

Learning Few vs. Many Techniques In BJJ – Which Is Better?

Here’s the thing. There is a billion techniques in Jiu-Jitsu… Okay, maybe not a billion, but there are so many techniques that there’s no chance that you’ll be able to learn...

John Danaher Explains The Problem He Has With Wristlocks

The Wristlocks are one of those cool submissions that BJJ blue and purple belts tend to try out a lot in rolling sessions… But are they effective in their attempts? That is to say – do...

Kit Dale: “Not Being Good At Takedowns Comes With Many Problems”

Yeah, we get it – you’re not that good with takedowns. You never were and you, kind of, believe that takedowns just aren’t your “thing”. But here’s the problem: if...

Do You Tap From Pressure? These 2 Things Will Solve Your Problem

Overcoming Pressure in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Two Key Strategies If you’re finding yourself tapping out from pressure in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, particularly under the weight of heavier opponents,...

Keenan Cornelius Shows His Late Guard Recovery Trick (Against Knee Cut Pass)

You know the saying: „Guard recovery – you can never be too good at it.“ Well okay, okay. It isn’t exactly a saying… But it should be, because your guard recovery will determine a...

Tim Kennedy, BJJ Black Belt & Green Beret, Teaches BJJ Techniques For Weapon Takeaway

When faced with weapons in a street fight (or with street fights in general, for that matter), your best bet is to run away. No matter how skilled you are at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, streets aren’t...

BJJ Pro Tip: Use Your Head (Literally)

You know the expression “use your head”? It’s most often used to point out that you should try and use your brain, but in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu it can have a totally different…...

Opinion: BJJ White Belts Shouldn’t Have Their Own “Style”

Being a BJJ white belt is a stressful period in one’s Jiu-Jitsu life. It’s full of failures, doubts about whether or not you’re really “cut out” for this martial...

How To Be “Faster” In Jiu-Jitsu As An Older Grappler?

As an older grappler, you’ve probably had an experience or two of rolling against younger athletes… When you were thinking to yourself how awesome it would be to be just a little bit...

Guy Spends $1000 On Gordon Ryan’s Instructionals – Was It Worth It?

If you’re after faster progress in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, then watching instructionals is one of the best things you can do! Of course, just merely watching won’t be enough; you have to try...

The UNSTOPPABLE Sweep by Mike Fowler Works Like A Charm

No matter how much you know, you’ll never know everything in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. No matter the amount of techniques you can do and no matter the number of details to executing them that you...

Gordon Ryan Shows How To Escape A Fully Locked RNC

Escaping a fully locked Rear Naked Choke (RNC) is extremely challenging, especially if your opponent has correctly secured the position. In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and other martial arts, it’s...

Hide Your Thumb: The Secret To Finishing The Rear Naked Choke

You know what they say about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: it’s all in the details. In those small adjustments that can improve your technique by tenfold, but which you’d never come across if...

“Tap, Tap, Taaaap!” Pete Letsos’ Terrible (And Hilarious) Pressure-Based Submission Sequence

Be honest with us: do you sometimes tap from pressure? There’s no shame to it, especially if you’re (relatively) new to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or if your training partners are a lot heavier than you...

Never Tap From Kesa Gatame Pressure Again – By Using This Simple Tip

Image Credits: Bloody Elbow If you’ve been training for some time, you’ll probably agree that making your training partners tap with as little force as possible feels amazing. That it...

John Danaher Demonstrates A Fantastic Body Lock Takedown Variation

To get the Body Lock Takedown, you first have to establish double underhooks – close the distance, pummel inside, and get your grip. However, do not stay square to the other person. As you get the...

Here’s How To Apply The Baseball Bat Choke Against An Over-Under Pass

If you want to tap your opponent out, then one of the things you should think about is: „Which submission and its setup are the sneakiest ones from here… Which is the one that my opponent...

“The Schoolyard Shove” – Great Way To Set Up Takedowns

Wrestling is one of the most rewarding martial arts in the world. It provides many opportunities for fun competitions while teaching you values that will stick with you for the rest of your life,...

The “Secret Detail” To Make Your Collar Grip Ridiculously Strong

One of the most important elements of your development in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is learning when and how to use different guards. To define, a guard is a position where you use your legs as a...

The “Overwrap Uki Waza” Is One Of The Easiest Takedowns For BJJ Athletes

Do you struggle with takedowns in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? A lot of BJJ athletes certainly do struggle with this aspect of their game, especially in the gi. If that’s been the case for you as well,...

Use Your Hair In BJJ… No, Seriously – Kade Ruotolo Demonstrates

Long hair and Jiu-Jitsu don’t always go well together. If you don’t want any hair troubles, while rolling, the best is to have the most popular haircut in BJJ: the shaved head (minus the...

Ever Tried The “Front Rear Naked Choke”? Now’s The Time

Setting up no gi chokes is an invaluable skill that every serious grappler needs in their submission arsenal. These chokes are powerful tools whether gi or no gi, sport, mma, self defense, etc....