
“The Schoolyard Shove” – Great Way To Set Up Takedowns

“The Schoolyard Shove” – Great Way To Set Up Takedowns

Wrestling is one of the most rewarding martial arts in the world. It provides many opportunities for fun competitions while teaching you values that will stick with you for the rest of your life, like discipline, hard work, and perseverance.

In order to get the most out of your training, there are certain basics you need to understand. Your understanding of these concepts will make your time on the mat a lot more productive.

To get really good at takedowns, you’ve got to start learning how to read your training partner’s and opponent’s patterns.
For example, you can use the “Schoolyard Shove” to make them react – and then set up your attacks upon their reactions!

Garry Tonon explains and demonstrates how to use the Schoolyard Shove technique:

Reigning UFC Champion & Olympic Gold Medal Wrestler Henry Cejudo Wants To Show You His Complete System To Takedown Bigger & Stronger Opponents Easily – Every Time.
