
“Tap, Tap, Taaaap!” Pete Letsos’ Terrible (And Hilarious) Pressure-Based Submission Sequence

“Tap, Tap, Taaaap!” Pete Letsos’ Terrible (And Hilarious) Pressure-Based Submission Sequence

Be honest with us: do you sometimes tap from pressure? There’s no shame to it, especially if you’re (relatively) new to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or if your training partners are a lot heavier than you are.

Pressure-based submissions are so cool, right? You force your training partners to make mistakes “simply” because they’re uncomfortable… And you get to have some fun while doing it!

The Wristlocks are one of those cool submissions that BJJ blue and purple belts tend to try out a lot in rolling sessions… But are they effective in their attempts? That is to say – do Wristlocks work?
The answer is, of course, yes. Wristlocks do work.

Here’s one such pressure-based submission sequence, as demonstrated by Pete “The Greek” Letsos.

Learn and have a laugh at his training partner’s reactions on the video below:

Bring Science To “Prison Rules Jiu-Jitsu” – Wristlocking Ace Pete “The Greek” Letsos Reveals How The Wristlock Can Be & Should Be Your Go To Submission: You Are Missing So Many Chances For Submissions.

    • Attack one of the most vulnerable and available joint locks in the world with wrist locking master and guru Pete “The Greek” Lestos.
  • The wrist lock is one of the most overlooked attacks in submission grappling, and with Pete The Greek, you can learn how to terrorize your gym with wrist locks from every angle.