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Here’s How To Counter The Underhook From Half Guard

One of the worst things you could let someone do to you in BJJ is to let them get an underhook… Especially a deep underhook – if that happens, you’re going to be in trouble most of...

This Technique Is Your Last-Ditch Triangle Escape Opportunity

There are many ways to counter a triangle choke. There is the early escape, the middle escape and the late ‘Hail Mary’ escape. Saulo Ribeiro explains about how to escape from your...

This Is The Armdrag To Crucifix Setup You’ll Love

The Crucifix is one of the most dominant positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu… But it tends to be somewhat elusive to athletes, especially those who haven’t learned how to set it up. The...

Reminder: Don’t Roll Hard With Everyone – Make Them Feel Good About BJJ

If you don’t train smart while you’re young, you’re going to pay the price for it when you get old(er)… And not necessarily “just” via injuries, but also via the...

Important: Map Your Transitions In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

The transition between standing techniques and ground techniques are rarely taught in BJJ. This is a small window of opportunity that is often neglected in BJJ. Capitalising on this moment is a...

Counter The Annoying “Leg Escape” From Mount With This Easy Move

The mount position is one of the most dominant controlling positions in BJJ. It is one of the fundamental positions in Jiu-Jitsu and is arguably one of the most valuable lessons a student will learn...

How To Open Closed Guard? Try The “Knee Post” Method

There are numerous ways to open your training partner’s or opponent’s Closed Guard. However, you can’t just pick all of them; that is to say, you need to pick a handful of...

Tom DeBlass: “Life Can be Hard – So When You Get On Those Mats, Don’t Make It Harder!”

The matter of the fact is that life can be very difficult… And that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu should be an outlet for you and your stress; not an addition to it. Nevertheless, a lot of BJJ students...

You’ll Use This Over-Under Throwby Pass Counter All The Time

We agree. Guard Retention isn’t exactly the coolest thing you could do or practice in Jiu-Jitsu. But no matter how “uncool” it may be, it’s still an extremely vital part of your BJJ...

Here’s A Simple Way To Escape The “Truck” – And Go For A Heel Hook

Be honest with us: could your BJJ escapes be polished up a little bit? Could they use some work? Yeah, they probably could… Because, even if you are comfortable with your escapes, you still...

Nicky Rodriguez Shows How To Pass To North-South With Ease

If you have been doing BJJ for any length of time you have asked yourself this question! Rickson Gracie once said, “the guard is the heart and soul of jiu jitsu”. If you haven’t already...

These Hidden Tripod Sweep Details Work Like A Charm

There are some techniques that you learn very early on, maybe even at your first BJJ class or two; but which you don’t use for too long, as it seems – after a certain level – that these...

Erik Paulson Shows A Unique Kneebar Setup From Side Control

Yes, Leg Lock setups can be complicated. Really complicated, with multiple steps that have to be on spot if the submission is to work. However, you can choose the setups that aren’t as...

Take Their Back With This Setup From Lasso Guard

You can love training and competing in the Gi or hate it, but the fact stands: with it, you have much more possibilities for controlling your opponent than without it! The grip options, with...

BJJ White Belts… You Have To Learn This Basic Guillotine Choke Setup

The guillotine is a cruel strangulation. It goes fast, from multiple angles, no matter how strong you are. This versatility and speed make the guillotine ideal for sport BJJ players, who occasionally...

Use This Sweep Whenever Your Opponent Defends Against The Omoplata

The omoplata is a great move that is often underused or not properly used in BJJ. It’s a submission, a sweep, and a setup for other submissions and sweeps. It is not the easiest move to pull off...

BJJ Is An Art Form – Express Yourself & Show Who You Are

Image Credits: John Danaher Instagram Too often BJJ students take an approach to training that’s almost “too serious”. Meaning, they try to do things to a “T”; always...

Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Anthony Kiedis Reveals Why He Stopped Training BJJ

Anthony Kiedis, Red Hot Chili Peppers’ lead vocalist, has trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! Sadly, though, he stopped soon after. And it seems that he had stopped because he didn’t have the...

Rener Gracie: “Law Enforcement Officers Are Disastrously Undertrained”

Law enforcement officers need to train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu; both for their own and the public’s safety. However, the vast majority of them lack any sort of meaningful training – and it...

Jeff Glover Shows How To Learn Open Guard With Fun Drills

Are you looking to improve your Open Guard game? Yes? Fantastic! But yeah, we know how frustrating playing it can get; you seem to have less attacking options than you do when playing from top and...

The Underhook Escape Is A Great Side Control Escape Option

Escaping the sidecontrol is one of the biggest challenges any beginner faces and it’s paramount to mastering bjj or even just saying you have rudimentary skills. Coming out of side control is no...

These Details Make The Knee Cut From Half Guard Impossible

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This is a common method of playing guard used by a lot of elite level grapplers such...

Rafael Lovato Jr. Demonstrates A Great Loop Choke Setup from Seated Guard

One of the most amazing things about training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a gi is the multitude of choking techniques you can choose from. In other words: you have many more opportunities for choking...

Having Trouble Passing Half Guard? Start Using Submission Threats

Uhhh, soooo… You’ve been training BJJ for a bit, and there is (still) this one thought that keeps troubling you: position or submission? Should you go for the position first, before you attempt a...