

BJJ statistics: analyzing BJJ techniques and trends at the 2012 Worlds

Interview with Roger Gracie black belt, Cesar Lima during his seminar in Macedonia

Montenegro’s Boris Zunjic on why he moved to New York to train at Renzo Gracie’s academy

Benefits of Crossfit for Jiu-Jitsu Part 1

Pan Am 2012 champion Yuri Simoes : “Nobody is invincible, everybody can be defeated”

Dimitris Tsitos BJJ Seminar in Belgrade, Serbia

Sweden’s Janni Larsson, World and European Gold Medalist: “BJJ is the love of my life”

Benefits of Rock-climbing for BJJ

BJJ summer camp in Sokobanja, Serbia

Why Compete in BJJ and Grappling? Benefits and Advantages

BJJ legend Rodrigo “Comprido” Medeiros: “I’m not retiring completely. I just won’t be competing at the worlds.”

Polish grappler Asia Kiki (Joanna Ogrodnik): “I like challenges, I’m a Psycho”

Great News For BJJ Athletes: Cherry Juice Can Reduce Joint Inflammation

The benefits of swimming for Jiu-Jitsu

Robert Drysdale: “Gi is my favorite. The possibilities are endless. Gi is like an Xbox 360, No Gi is an Atari..”

When it’s time to quit Jiu-Jitsu

The prodigy of Polish MMA & BJJ, Marcin Held: “If BJJ would pay as much as MMA, I would stay in BJJ”

DJ Jackson (Team Lloyd Irvin): “I won’t be satisfied until I am a black belt World champion”

Worlds 2012 big star, Marcos Buchecha: “I never fight to a draw. Either I lose or I win. I prefer to take chances”