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Pressure: A Sure-Fire Way To Identifying Your Weaknesses In BJJ

Think about it for a second: how good would your Jiu-Jitsu be if you would, for a change, start working on your weaknesses? It would surely improve by a ton. But what are your weaknesses? Sometimes...

How to Break Through the Blue Belt Plateau

When you first start BJJ, it’s easy to get better. You learn new moves and improve after every class. But just showing up to class does not work forever. From my experience, most people hit a...

“I am on the mats all the time, so why am I not making progress?“

„I am on the mats all the time, so why am I not making progress?“ That just might be the biggest woe and worry of the seasoned Jiu Jitsu practitioner. Simply put, after a while, a BJJ plateau...