
Result for: techniques

GSP Shows His 4 Favorite Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Techniques

New footage has been released showing retired UFC champion Georges St Pierre aka GSP rolling in the Gi. GSP has been training BJJ for close to 15 years. Bruno Fernandes is GSP’s BJJ coach,...

5 Post-Exercise Rest And Recovery Techniques You Should Try

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champions on the planet. Named as the #1 ranked martial arts organization in Asia by...

Results: World’s First Ever Online Grappling Techniques Demonstration Tournament

INTERNATIONAL GRAPPLING NOGI TECHNIQUES DEMONSTRATION TOURNAMENT organized by International Grappling Federation. 8/14-02-2021 Winners Girls 2007 and older 1 Ieva Smirnovaitė Ošimas U13 Girls of...

This Is How To Create NEW Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Techniques

Have you seen all these crazy, creative techniques – predominantly submissions – making their way in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu lately? It seems as if new setups, or their variations at least, are being...

Stop Getting Smashed: 6 Powerful BJJ Techniques That Shut Down Big Guys

Tired of getting crushed by bigger opponents when you are playing guard? It’s time that you start using a more offensive guard to sweep, take the back or submit your opponents. No matter how you...

When Things Get Crazy: Flashiest Techniques in Jiu-Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu, the game of human chess. Grappling is considered by many one of the most difficult sports to master. Learning moves generally require a combination of intelligence, timing, coordination...

Introducing The World’s First Ever Online Grappling Techniques Demonstration Tournament

The International Grappling Federation has a new concept for 2021: an online No Gi BJJ tournament focused on Grappling demonstrations! Participants are required to perform three demonstrations of the...

How To Learn Techniques When No One Wants To Drill Them With You

You can think of drills whatever you want, but the matter of fact is that – for most people – they work very well! „Repetition is mother of learning“, as the old Latin saying would go;...

These 6 BJJ Techniques Demand Immediate Respect from Your Opponents

In BJJ, if you want to have an aggressive game, you need to attack non stop. Every time you are attacking, you force your opponent to defend. The defence is always slower than the attack so if you...

These Are The Most Dangerous IBJJF Legal Techniques

These are the most dangerous IBJJF legal techniques in Jiu-Jitsu. There are many more IBJJF illegal techniques which also are a big cause of injuries: Heel hooks, Scissor takedown, Sumi Gaeshi...

Jocko Willink on If Beginners Should Be Taught Dangerous BJJ Techniques

Heel hooks, calf slicers, and neck cranks are all deemed dangerous submissions and prohibited from competition by the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF), a non-profit that hosts...

Pro BJJ Tip: Focus Less On Collecting Techniques & More On Combinations

Guest post by James Duscio, a BJJ black belt under Walter Cascao Vital. He runs Cascao Evolution BJJ out of Las Vegas nv. Less number of techniques and more combinations It’s Time to Use...

Why Most New Flashy BJJ Techniques Just Won’t Work For You

We’ve all had this happen to us: we’re blown away by a flashy new (often advanced) technique, seen online or in the gym and and want to add it in our game. Stephen Kesting talks about how...

Sequences or Positional Techniques : Which One To Focus When Learning BJJ?

If you’re looking to learn more BJJ techniques, then one of the most important ways of acquiring these moves is through drilling and practicing them. However, not all practice is made equal....

3 BJJ Techniques That Will Work Just As Well In the Gi As In No-Gi

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champions on the planet. Named as the #1 ranked martial arts organization in Asia by...

John Danaher On Why You Should Always Favor Strangles Over All Other BJJ Techniques

“For the choke, there are no “tough guys”. With an arm lock he can be tough and resist the pain. With the choke he just passes out, goes to sleep.” Helio Gracie Setting up no gi...

John Danaher Explains Why He Has Banned These 3 Techniques in His Classes

The famed BJJ instructor John Danaher has noticed over the years that 90 percent of injuries in BJJ happen because of bodies falling in an uncontrolled manner. This is why he has banned 3 techniques...

Aikido Techniques Used Against Pro MMA Fighters in Sparring

Aikido once used to be a famous Martial Art, respected by all martial artists. Yet these days it is losing it’s popularity fast, while being compared to other modern martial arts. Yet what made it...

Are Judo And Its Techniques Any Good As A Base For MMA At All?

Sure, BJJ may be the best martial art out there – but other ones are great as well! They will teach you self-confidence and control, as well as give you something to become better in. However, all...

How Many Techniques Should I Know in BJJ?

Guest post by James Duscio, a BJJ black belt under Walter Cascao Vital. He runs Cascao Evolution BJJ out of Las Vegas nv. The amount of techniques a BJJ practitioner should know has always been...

John Danaher on Learning Principles vs Techniques in Jiu-Jitsu

John Danaher is a BJJ black belt under Renzo Gracie, and is known as one of the best BJJ instructors in the world. The New Zealand born black belt has been praised by the BJJ community as being a...

How Many Techniques Should Be Taught in a BJJ Class?

Guest post by James Duscio, a BJJ black belt under Walter cascao vital and runs cascao bjj hard knocks out of Las Vegas nv.​ Lets start by saying that there is no perfect formula. It becomes...

3 Most Important BJJ Techniques That Every Beginner Should Focus On

Photo: Joshua Halvatzis, Goliveco at Frota Academy in Zurich, Switzerland. Being a martial arts enthusiast is easy but in real getting started with BJJ is rather much more challenging thus,...

How to Break Down Jiu Jitsu Techniques to Make Them as Efficient as Possible

Guest post by Henry Akins, the third American to receive a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu black belt from legendary fighter Rickson Gracie. Akins trained under Rickson Gracie for 15 years. Akins became the...