
Result for: advice

“You Can Never Go Wrong In Jiu-Jitsu If You Do This” – John Danaher’s Previous Advice

No matter what your game is in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there are two things that you can never go wrong with… Going for the Mount and/or the back take. John Danaher explains why this is the...

John Danaher Shares Insightful Advice For Learning Details In Jiu-Jitsu: “Take Your Time”

As you’ve probably noticed so far, it’s sometimes quite easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of details that are a part of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The techniques have a million variations...

BJJ White Belt Advice: Stuck In Closed Guard? Just Stand Up

Closed guard is a dangerous place to be in for the one on top. Your opponent has so many options and you, realistically have very few. You either have to open it or force a submission. You need to...

John Danaher’s BJJ Advice: “Keep In Your Mind No More Than Three Follow Up Moves”

When you start a match and go for a technique… Do you know what you should do if that move fails? Do you keep the follow up moves in mind? If not, you’re creating a great disservice to...

Lachlan Giles Shares Injury Prevention Advice: “A Rapid Increase In Training Load…”

Ever got injured in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Yeah, chances are you did. And no wonder – it’s a combat sport. And injuries happen when you train combat sports. However, some injuries...

BJJ Advice: Be Focused On Winning Tomorrow, Not Today

Here’s a quick question: do you often find yourself stuck in the same old routine when you train? As in, you always go for the same moves, you stick to the same techniques and setups…...

Mark Zuckerberg’s Advice to Jiu-Jitsu Beginners

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg is known to be an avid practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Zuckerberg began training in the martial art around a few years ago and has continued training regularly...

The Best BJJ Advice You Need Right Now: Change Your Angle

One of the best things that you could do for the sake of your Jiu-Jitsu is to start focusing on your and your opponent’s angles. That is to say: you need to focus on changing your angle in...

BJJ Advice: Relax Your Face When You Roll

Now, we know what you’re thinking… “Keep my face relaxed? What does that have to do with Jiu-Jitsu?” Well, you’ll be surprised to learn that it’s got a lot to do...

BJJ Advice: Force The Opponent’s Hand To The Mat

One of the most important things you need to do in Jiu-Jitsu is off-balance your opponents. Why? Because that’s a sure-fire way to open up more submission opportunities! However, how are you...

Turn The Angle: Pressure Passing Advice By Gregor Gracie

The art of guard passing is one of the most important aspects of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. To define, guard passing is where you pass the opponent’s defense (guard) using technique, movement, and...

Fabio Gurgel’s Success Advice: “When You Make A Mistake…”

When you make a mistake, do you blame others for it… And when you succeed at something, do you take all the credit every time? Well, if that’s the case, then you should reconsider your...

UFC Vet Alan Jouban Offers Advice to Kron Gracie: ‘Butt-Scooting in the UFC, it’s not a Good Look’

ADCC champion and BJJ black belt Kron Gracie recently had a very strange performance against Charles Jourdain at UFC 288. Kron is known for his world class Brazilian jiu-jitsu, but the son of Rickson...

BJJ Pro Advice: Get To The End Of The Lever

Sometimes, it’s the smallest of advice that will get you the furthest. Even when that “small advice” can be applied in a wide array of situations. Such as, for example, getting to...

BJJ Advice: The First Move Will Rarely Ever Score, But…

If you’re rolling against someone who actually knows what they’re doing, chances are that you won’t be successful with your first move. Instead, you’ll have to rely on the...

BJJ Advice: You’ll Succeed – Or Fail – One Step At A Time

Wouldn’t it be great if you could achieve what you’ve set out to do… Right now? As in, if you could learn something so important, something so vital – that it’d serve as...

Ruotolo Brothers Share Advice For BJJ Beginners: “Fundamentals & Wrestling”

Are you a BJJ white or blue belt – who wants to improve in Jiu-Jitsu as soon as possible? Then you’ll love the following advice from the Ruotolo brothers! They’ve shared insightful...

BJJ Advice: Maybe You Don’t Need To Learn More Techniques

There are so many techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, right? And you want to learn as many of them as possible, as well as stay up-to-date with the new discoveries and details. But here’s the...

BJJ Advice: Know Where You’re Going

Even if your technique is phenomenal, if you don’t know where you’re going… You won’t fare far in Jiu-Jitsu. That is to say, you need to have a goal. Both when you’re in...

BJJ Advice: Not All Grips Are Created Equal

Establishing solid grips is super important in Jiu-Jitsu, as this is most often the first step to controlling someone on the mats. However, not all grips are created equal. Some are more important...

BJJ Advice: Apply Pressure & Take Your Time

Speed is great in Jiu-Jitsu: generally speaking, the faster you are – the better off you will be, simply because you will be able to overcome your training partner’s defenses and submit...

BJJ Advice: The “Second Best Way” To Use Your Strengths In Jiu-Jitsu

Everyone has their own strengths in Jiu-Jitsu – and you should use them as well. However, a problem arises when your training partners start figuring out what those strengths are. So, they...

BJJ Advice: Make Them Carry Your Weight

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is as much of a game of tactics as it is a game of skill. Maybe even more so, actually, especially after you reach a certain level of proficiency – and as your training...

Andrew Wiltse Shares Street Fighting Advice: “Real Fights Are F*cked Up”

So you’re a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner… Be honest with us – sometimes you think about finding yourself in a street fight and emerging victorious. Being the hero of the day....