Here’s a quick question: do you often find yourself stuck in the same old routine when you train?
As in, you always go for the same moves, you stick to the same techniques and setups…
And, essentially, you rarely ever try something new?
Well, that’s a recipe for disaster when it comes to progress on the mats. You need to switch it up.
It’s time to stop being focused on “winning” in the practice room today, to switch that focus to winning on the competition podium – tomorrow.
John Danaher explains more on why that’s the case:
Every gym workout is future focused. Your goal is not to win today but to tomorrow, not to be perfect now, but to edge closer to a perfect tomorrow.
When you take this mindset you’ll take the risks you need to take in the gym so that in the future you’ll be confident enough to use them without hesitation on stage.
You’ll experiment with new moves and tactics that can broaden your future repertoire.
You need to understand that tomorrow is, in this case, much more important than today:
How you do today is inconsequential compared with how a future you does in a much more important setting.
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