
This Wristlock From Standing Is Easy To Learn for All Levels

This Wristlock From Standing Is Easy To Learn for All Levels

Ah, wristlocks… Everyone wants to learn and use them in training and competition, but not a lot of people are open to immediately admitting it. Don’t stress out about it! The Wristlock is an incredibly versatile technique that doesn’t always have to lead to submission – but can, also, be used as a setup for other things.
For example, the following Wristlock setup is done from a standing position. And it’s so easy to use, both in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and street situations, that you’ll be asking all of your friends to demonstrate it on them!

Here’s how to do it; Professor Andre Gomes demonstrates.



This setup is done in a situation when both you and your training partner are standing, and when they grab your wrist. Professor Gomes explains that you’ll first grip the partner’s hand. (On the outside and the meaty part of it, make sure to not grab their fingers). Then, you’ll twist your “grabbed arm” in such a way that your thumb faces to the inside of their palm. This will create more space for a sturdier grip with your other hand.

From there, start bending the training partner’s wrist towards them and twisting it (clockwise). You may do so with both of your thumbs against their wrist; or with one thumb on the wrist and the second hand on their forearm.
Watch how to do this in great detail on the video below: