
Josh Barnett Shows An Excruciating Arm Lock Setup: “The Short Arm Scissor”

Josh Barnett Shows An Excruciating Arm Lock Setup: “The Short Arm Scissor”

Are you, perhaps, in the search for painful submission techniques?
Yeah… Even if you aren’t, we bet that you’d like to learn a few of them. So, here is one that is super painful.

Josh Barnett demonstrates a devastatingly painful Arm Lock submission on the video below – the Short Arm Scissor:

Legendary MMA Heavyweight Josh Barnett teaches his catch wrestling principles and concepts for the dynamic double wrist lock.

  • The double wrist lock is a kimura variation, that you can supercharge with these catch-as-catch-can secrets that have been passed down to Josh – learn this new style of grappling excellence: see all the catch details for getting the lock, controlling the position, and using it to get the submission in this total technical approach.

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