Do you even Wrist Lock, bro? If not, then you should! It doesn’t matter if a lot of your training partners say that it’s a “dirty move” – it’s a technique that works and that will not get them injured… If you apply it with care, of course.
Plus, above everything else, you can tap out people really quickly with it! It is so sneaky that they won’t see it coming. For example, it’s really easy to set up from top Side Control.
Ever since you were a white belt, you were taught to frame against the opponent’s neck while in bottom Side Control. And when your training partners do this, they’re more than likely going to post their hand on top of your shoulder… Big mistake!
When they do this, you have a great inroad for the Wrist Lock. First, you’ll cup the top of their wrist with your chin. Second, you’re going to bring your arm over and cup their elbow with it; reinforcing the strength of this “grip” with your second hand as well.
Then, just roll your shoulder over their palm! Make sure that you don’t do it at the base of it, though, as this won’t accomplish anything. Instead, do it a bit higher, towards the fingers.
Check out this setup on the video below. Nick “Chewy” Albin demonstrates:
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.