Sooner or later on your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey, you’ll come to realize that merely knowing how to do a technique isn’t enough… But that you also have to know when to do it. And that sort of knowledge comes only with experience. However, you can learn a lot about it from other people, other elite athletes, such as Kit Dale.
Here’s what Kit had to say about “right” and “wrong” techniques, as well as about the importance of timing in BJJ:
There is no right or wrong technique, but just a right and wrong time to execute it.
Every technique can be countered. So, the timing is the key factor. You can have the most perfect technique, but if you keep telegraphing it, you will rarely be successful with it. On another side, you can have a sloppy technique, but if it’s executed at the right time it will be successful.
Additionally, he emphasized the necessity of knowing “why” you’re doing a technique/move:
So, focus on the timing. But, in order to know the timing, you must know “why” you’re doing something. If you keep asking “why” to everything in Jiu-Jitsu, you will eventually have a deep intellectual understanding of it. It’s called the Socratic method, by Socrates. So, the best concept that I can offer is to get people to ask “why” in everything.
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Make sure to read the rest of our interview with Kit Dale on the following link.