
B-Team Jiu-Jitsu Competitors Highlight 3 Most Dangerous BJJ Techniques

B-Team Jiu-Jitsu Competitors Highlight 3 Most Dangerous BJJ Techniques

Which are the most dangerous techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Well, the B-Team has three of them: Z-Lock, Jumping Closed Guard, and Kani Basami.

Here’s why.



Jacob Rodriguez and Ethan Crelinsten brought the Z-Lock into the spotlight, a submission not frequently seen but known to emerge on the big stages like the ADCC.

This Leg Lock distinguishes itself by requiring complete control over an opponent’s legs, severely limiting their mobility and enabling the application of intense lateral pressure on the knee.

The B-Team says that, although Leg Locks aren’t inherently dangerous, the Z-Lock in particular offers the ability to apply immense pressure into the knee laterally and it can cause a huge amount of damage as a result.


A lot of people complain about pulling guard and although it’s something that serves a purpose in BJJ, jumping to Closed Guard isn’t something that’s really necessary.

This technique involves jumping into Closed Guard, risking uncontrolled impact on the opponent’s lower body – and potentially leading to catastrophic knee injuries.

Plus, not only is jumping to Closed Guard one of the most dangerous moves in BJJ, it’s actually banned at the beginner level under most rulesets.


Kani Basami is a move that involves a scissor-like leap towards an opponent, with a misexecution potentially twisting or trapping the leg – again, causing catastrophic injuries to the other person.
And, well, along with jumping Closed Guard – Kani Basami is one of only 3 things that John Danaher bans in his training rooms.

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