To train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is not an easy task. It takes a lot of determination, grit, and the desire to become the best that you can in the martial art. However, it also takes a bit of cooperation on the behalf of other things in life – some of which, sometimes, don’t want to be of help.
And that’s exactly why so many people quit BJJ. Here are the three main reasons why 99% of athletes will fall off the wagon.
Almost anyone who starts out with Jiu-Jitsu is really „hyped“ about it. Everything is interesting to them and they can’t wait to get to the next training session… They’re eager to learn and roll!
However, this excitement wears off over time. For some, unfortunately, it wears off to the bone – and they lose all interest in training whatsoever. Simply enough, BJJ becomes boring to them.
And yup, there’s a probability that BJJ will become boring to you as well! That’s why you need to take preemptive measures.
Set goals on a regular basis, so that you know what you’re aiming for in training. Hang out with your BJJ friends outside of training, in order to build a stronger sense of community and connection with your team. Watch matches and instructional videos, so as to develop a deeper fascination for the level of finesse that you could achieve.
There are a lot of ways to make Jiu-Jitsu more interesting. So make it interesting before you’re tempted to quit it.
It’s quite similar to relationships. Your best bet for relationship longevity is to work on it while things are good or neutral, not (only) when it’s in dire straits.
Perhaps the most common culprit behind quitting BJJ for good are injuries. Unlike a lot of other sports (martial arts even), Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers a hefty amount of opportunities for injury.
And it’s all „cool“ while these injuries are small and merely a nuisance. But when they become such that they start messing with your everyday life – with your work or school, sleep, time with your kids, partner… That’s when athletes start thinking about calling it quits.
And for good reason! Serious injuries could wreck havoc on your overall health. That’s why it’s so important to train with caution. For example, if you’re rolling and you’re really close to an another pair that’s rolling as well, take it upon yourself to make some distance. Also, tap early – ego will only leave you with a higher probability of quitting Jiu-Jitsu altogether.
Be serious about your warm-ups and stretches after training. Enjoy yourself with some foam rolling or massage every now and then. And also, take a pause when you feel like things aren’t quite right; better to rest for a week than a year.
You can prevent most of the injuries in BJJ. Take responsibility for doing so.
Sometimes, no matter how much you love Jiu-Jitsu and no matter how much you enjoy training, life will get in the way. You’ll have a newborn, you’ll have to switch jobs, perhaps you’ll get laid off of one, maybe you’ll need to move to a different city where there aren’t any BJJ academies established just yet (perhaps you could open one?), someone close to you will pass away… Things could, and things will happen that’ll potentially stop you in your tracks for good.
In order to keep going and not quit in times like these, do these things:
1) Give yourself some time, and
2) Make it a point to return to the mats when you can.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.