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This Is Why 99% Of People QUIT Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

To train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is not an easy task. It takes a lot of determination, grit, and the desire to become the best that you can in the martial art. However, it also takes a bit of cooperation...

What If Your Love Life Is Suffering Because Of BJJ?

Balancing BJJ with the rest of your life is never an easy task. Sometimes, those different areas of life come into direct confrontation with Jiu Jitsu – with one of them being the relationship you...

You Can’t Just Give Up When Stuck In A Bad Position

Jiu Jitsu is difficult! It puts you in all kind of uncomfortable positions, which you struggle to escape from; while at the same time your opponent is figuring out how to crush your spirit even more....

So You Want To Quit BJJ As A Blue Belt? Consider This First

The „blue belt blues“ in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, despite often being subjected to various jokes and memes, are as real as it gets. They happen to almost everyone that receives their blue belt, to...

When Is It OK To Quit Training BJJ?

Photo: Jared Lopper If you’ve been in Jiu Jitsu for a long enough time, a simple thought will inevitably cross your mind one day: „Should I quit training BJJ?“ And when that question comes...