Closed Guard is one of those positions from which it can get notoriously frustrating to submit people. Sure, you’re in a more dominant position than your opponent; but submitting them or even sweeping them is a difficult task. Which is why you need to learn a couple of basic principles when attacking from Closed Guard – as early on in your BJJ journey as possible.
Do you know how to set up a Spinning Armbar from Closed Guard?
You should – it’s super effective.
Magid Hage demonstrates below:
Learn World Class Strategies And Concepts For Underhooks & Overhooks From A Wide Range Of Positions!
- Magid Hage is a world-class black belt competitor and instructor!
- Learn pummeling drills you’ve never seen before that will help you gain an all-new perspective on obtaining both underhooks and overhooks.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.