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Tap Anyone From Inside Their Closed Guard

Being inside somebody’s closed guard can often be a nightmare because of the constant necessity to open and pass it, as well as because of the constant danger of being swept and...

Leonardo Nogueira Shows The Dreaded “Sao Paulo Pass” Against Closed Guard

Having trouble getting out of and passing Closed Guard? Yeah… It’s just one of those situations in Jiu-Jitsu where even the slightest mistake can be your downfall. Luckily enough, there...

The “Omoplata Pendulum Sweep” Is A Fundamental Move From Closed Guard

When it comes to playing the Closed Guard game, it’s super important to always be threatening your opponent with either submissions or sweeps (or both). And, well, one of the most unexpected...

This Armbar Setup From Deep Collar Grip Works Surprisingly Well

There are so many different armbar set ups around. You can place an armbar from literally any position: mount, side control, back and also inferior positions such bottom side control, back etc…...

Have You Ever Tried These Overhook & Underhook Attacks From Closed Guard?

The Closed Guard is a great guard to play, especially for people who are (relatively) new to Jiu-Jitsu. But even if you’re an experienced athlete, adding more setups from the Closed Guard is...

These Simple Principles Will Help You Stay Safe In Closed Guard (With Ease)

Yeah, getting stuck in someone’s Closed Guard sucks… But surviving in it – staying safe, that is – doesn’t have to be complicated at all. In fact, it is not...

Giancarlo Bodoni Has An Awesome Triangle Choke Setup From Closed Guard

Remember that Hip Bump Sweep technique from Closed Guard, that you’ve probably learned during your very first white belt days? And how, if your training partner posts on the mat in the process,...

Neil Melanson Shows How To Set Up An Arm Triangle – From Closed Guard

If there is one guarantee that will make your submission technique work, even if it is low percentage – then it’s about surprising your opponents with it. For, if they don’t expect...

This Triangle Choke Variation From Closed Guard Works Great

Triangle Choke from Closed Guard? Yeah… Probably one of the first (submission) techniques you were taught in Jiu-Jitsu. And probably one of the first ones your training partners learned to...

John Danaher Explains How To Build The Perfect BJJ Closed Guard Game

So you want to work on your Closed Guard game, right? That’s great! Because, even though Closed Guard isn’t exactly the most exciting of positions, it can be a seriously dangerous one for...

Is This The Best Way To Open Closed Guard In Jiu-Jitsu?

Having trouble opening Closed Guard? Yeah… And it can be particularly difficult when in the gi. Especially against bigger and stronger training partners. But here is a technique to open the...

This Is An Unstoppable Way To Take The Back From Closed Guard

Sure, the Closed Guard might not be the most exciting position to play in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu… But it doesn’t have to be exciting to be effective, right? Because, there are a LOT of...

John Danaher Shows Important Details About Armbar From Closed Guard

Do you struggle playing the Closed Guard game? As in, no matter what you try, you just can’t get the Armbar from there? One of the primary culprits behind this problem is that you’re not...

Here’s How To Shut Down The Annoying Muscle Sweep (From Closed Guard)

The closed guard is likely the first type of guard a beginner will learn in BJJ. It is a relatively basic yet powerful guard that can leave opponents trapped and restricted. Every grappler needs to...

BJJ White Belt Advice: Stuck In Closed Guard? Just Stand Up

Closed guard is a dangerous place to be in for the one on top. Your opponent has so many options and you, realistically have very few. You either have to open it or force a submission. You need to...

Tom DeBlass Shows How To Defend Against The Kimura From Closed Guard

In Jiu-Jitsu the best defense is to not get there in the first place, but what happens if you’ve had the misfortune of making a mistake and got caught in a tight submission? Getting caught in a...

Mason Fowler Shows A Great Butterfly Sweep Setup From Closed Guard

Your closed guard is only as effective as your ability to use it for sweeps, transitions and submissions is… However, it’s only as useful as your ability to preserve it when your...

Here’s How To Open The Opponent’s Elbows In Closed Guard (When They’re Super Tight)

What are you supposed to do against an opponent who keeps their arms super tight inside your Closed Guard… How are you supposed to open their elbows? Bjk world champion Mason Fowler shows you...

Broken Posture In Closed Guard? Andre Galvao Shows What To Do

Posture is one of the core principles of jiu-jitsu. Proper posture will keep you safe from submissions and sweeps. So your opponent broke your posture in Closed Guard? This is a bad position to be...

Andre Galvao Shows How To Ezekiel Choke From Closed Guard

The Ezekiel choke is an advanced submission that requires proper technique and awareness to use safely. But applied correctly from the top closed guard, it can be an effective submission to have in...

John Danaher Shows A Simple Closed Guard To Half Guard Transition

Many BJJ practitioners have made a career from forcing an under hook half guard and sweeping or taking the back. This is a common method of playing guard used by a lot of elite level grapplers such...

Samuel Braga Shows How To Use The Berimbolo From Closed Guard

The Berimbolo, whether you like it or not, when done correctly by someone who is very good at it,  is extremely hard to stop. Some people simply will refuse to learn it or even do it. That’s...

This Is How To Do The Spinning Armbar from Closed Guard

Closed Guard is one of those positions from which it can get notoriously frustrating to submit people. Sure, you’re in a more dominant position than your opponent; but submitting them or even...

Getting (A Bit) Older? Closed Guard & Half Guard Should Be Your Go-To’s

Learning martial arts can be a challenging but fulfilling pursuit regardless of age. Martial arts is great because it can improve your health and is a gateway to becoming more active. Other hobbies...