
The Inside Shoulder Trap: A Closed Guard Technique You Absolutely Need

The Inside Shoulder Trap: A Closed Guard Technique You Absolutely Need

Let’s remind ourselves of the most important thing you need to do when you have someone in your closed guard: attack at all times.

Many jiujiteiros make a mistake of holding a closed guard for a longer period of time without doing anything. And, while simply holding your opponent in it and waiting for the right moment is sometimes a good thing to do, it is never a good approach to use the closed guard as a position of rest for yourself.

If you’re on the lookout for Closed Guard techniques and concepts that translate well into submission opportunities… Then learning how to do the Inside Shoulder Trap is a must!

It’s going to serve a great purpose in getting that Armbar or for taking the back. Waldo Zapata demonstrates on the video below:

Compiling his experience of over 25 years of training with some of the best practitioners in the world, black belt Waldo Zapata details one of his signature techniques; the power shoulder trap.

  • Start with an introduction to closed guard concepts and translate the understanding of the position into match winning techniques.
  • Check out techniques applicable both in the gi and no gi and shape your game around this controlling position.