
Andre Galvao Shares The Formula To Neutralize & Pass The Lapel Guard

Andre Galvao Shares The Formula To Neutralize & Pass The Lapel Guard

The controversial ‘lapel guard’ is seen by some as a stalling position as it is very difficult to break the grip once it is placed on the lapel.

In the past, some pro BJJ events even banned the Lapel guard from their shows as it slowed down the action too much:

Copa Podio Set To Penalize The Lapel Guard In Their Events

Others see the lapel guard as the great equalizer in Jiu-Jitsu….

Why The Lapel Guard is the BIGGEST Equalizer in Jiu Jitsu…

American BJJ champion Keenan Cornelius is universally known as the master of the dark arts of the lapel.

Keenan is not the only practitioner who uses the lapel guard in elite level competition: Braulio Estima, Miyaos and Osvaldo Queixinho use the lapel guard and its variations.

So what is it that makes the lapel guard so effective? It’s the control. It allows a lesser skilled opponent to control and possibly defeat a higher skilled opponent.

Just like any guard, the lapel guard has its weaknesses. There is no better person to know how to pas the lapel guard than Andre Galvao, who happens to be Keenan Cornelius’ former instructor:

Keenan Cornelius Reveals Issues With Galvao Leading To Him Being Kicked Out Of Atos

After years of training with Keenan, Galvao was able to develop a very simple and effective to pass the lapel guard: