The matter of the fact is: if you want to get better in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, then you have to work out as well! Doing techniques is most important… But adding in those gym sessions will give you an additional edge.
However, you still want to be specific with the kind of exercises you choose to do. They have to transfer well to the BJJ realm; like the Gorilla Row does, which is of tremendous use for your guard passing game.
The Gorilla Row is a fantastic upper body exercise for BJJ athletes because it forces you to do several things at once: keep a strong posture, while pushing and pulling against resistance at the same time. And to do it, you’ll only need to kettlebells.
Place these kettlebells in front of you and assume a wider stance with your legs. Then, bend down in your knees (not all the way through, though) and grip the kettlebells with your arms straight. Then, push into one of the kettlebells as you lift the second one next to your hip. Lower it and do the same with the other side.
Make sure that your chest is up and that your spine is neutral throughout the movement. Watch how to do it on the video below:
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.