
Ronda Rousey Fires Back At People Criticizing Her For Always Going For Armbars

Ronda Rousey Fires Back At People Criticizing Her For Always Going For Armbars

Ronda Rousey is an MMA and UFC legend, who paved way for the rise of popularity and number of women involved in the sport.
With a pro record of 12-2, every one of her victories came via finish – with 3 TKOs and 9 Armbar submissions.

So, it goes without saying that it’s the Armbar which was Ronda Rousey’s specialty in the octagon…
And she has faced some criticisms for it, from those watching at least.

A recently resurfaced video shows Rousey firing back at said critics, who are accusing her of being a “one-trick pony”:

When you’re watching boxing and you see somebody knock someone out with a right hand every time, they’re not, like: “Oh, they’re a one-trick pony.”

No, they have a billion different setups for that right hand.
And just because it ended with a right hand on the face, it doesn’t mean it’s the same thing every time.

She elaborates on the ignorance of some spectators:

Just because so many people are unfamiliar with grappling and they just see the Armbar ending the same, they assume the setup’s the same.
But if you look back at all those fights, I’ve jumped into that Armbar from many different positions.

It ends the same way, but the setups are always different.
So they can prepare for a certain setup, but I’m always gonna think of more.