
ADGS Abu Dhabi: “Welcome To Your Second Home!”

ADGS Abu Dhabi: “Welcome To Your Second Home!”

The 2022-2023 AJP Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu-Jitsu World Tour was a lengthy one…
And it reached its finale at its home soil, in Abu Dhabi!

It was a spectacular event, with incredible technique highlight reels.
However, it wasn’t an amazing event just because of the highlight reels. It was equally amazing because of the atmosphere that the athletes competed in.

Abu Dhabi is an astonishingly welcoming place to train in and compete at.
Adriano Araujo, winner of the -77kg black belt division, emphasized that fact:

First I want to say: “Thank you God for everything.”

I’m 18 years in Abu Dhabi, I’ve lived in Abu Dhabi this all time. I really love UAE… (UAE) really helped my Jiu-Jitsu.
When I came to UAE, I thought I was good at Jiu-Jitsu. But, to be honest, I think I learned Jiu-Jitsu here.

I’ve met many good guys, many fighters that were amazing. This time I won the Grand Slam in adult (division).

Zayed Alkatheeri, winner of the -56kg division, welcomed everyone to come and train in Abu Dhabi:

I am from UAE and today I won the best (hero) in the -56kg category, at black belt… And I won a gold medal (in my division).

Welcome, guys, to our home – Abu Dhabi. It’s a place where the heroes become.

Watch more of the athletes’ insights and experiences on the videos below: