There are heaps of things that you have to keep in mind when it comes to Jiu-Jitsu…
Especially when it comes to competition matches. And especially in regards to things that have to do with other stuff, except than just technique.
For example, the element of surprise.
John Danaher explains more:
Of all the elements that can make for a successful entry into a move – surprise may be the best.
There is a reason why sucker punches are the preferred weapon of street thugs – unexpected blows are always the most devastating.
So too with Jiu-Jitsu – if you can achieve a degree of surprise the likelihood of you getting a breakthrough are much greater.
He reveals how to use this to your advantage, by utilizing a pseudo move:
Try always to create an indirect approach to moves where you make an opponent believe you are going for one thing and attack with another.
Next time you’re sparring make an effort to perform a pseudo move prior to your real move.
Divide your attack into false first movement and a second real movement – this is how you can preserve surprise in a world where most of the options are already known to both parties.
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Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.