
Here’s How To Shut Down The Annoying Muscle Sweep (From Closed Guard)

Here’s How To Shut Down The Annoying Muscle Sweep (From Closed Guard)

The closed guard is likely the first type of guard a beginner will learn in BJJ. It is a relatively basic yet powerful guard that can leave opponents trapped and restricted. Every grappler needs to know at least a few submissions and sweeps in the closed guard. The opponent will do whatever it takes to escape your guard, so it is best to attack them as they do this.

The lumberjack sweep from the closed guard is a very useful technique and can work up to the black belt level. It is typically used when your opponent decides to stand up from the closed guard.

As they stand up, apply a cross sleeve grip while your other hand underhooks their leg. You can keep your hips raised to maximize power while you sweep. Alternatively, you can drop your hip a little if you’re not flexible enough and use it to push in the direction of the opponent’s knee (the knee of the leg you are underhooking)

So you finally stood up in your opponent’s Closed Guard, but they’re now hooking your leg and threatening the Muscle Sweep…
What are you supposed to do about this?

Heath Pedigo shows how to shut down the Muscle Sweep on the video below: