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Tap Anyone From Inside Their Closed Guard

Being inside somebody’s closed guard can often be a nightmare because of the constant necessity to open and pass it, as well as because of the constant danger of being swept and...

Leonardo Nogueira Shows The Dreaded “Sao Paulo Pass” Against Closed Guard

Having trouble getting out of and passing Closed Guard? Yeah… It’s just one of those situations in Jiu-Jitsu where even the slightest mistake can be your downfall. Luckily enough, there...

Is This The Best Way To Open Closed Guard In Jiu-Jitsu?

Having trouble opening Closed Guard? Yeah… And it can be particularly difficult when in the gi. Especially against bigger and stronger training partners. But here is a technique to open the...

Rayron Gracie Reveals A Super Painful Way To Pass Closed Guard

Jiu-Jitsu is limitless. There are always new ways to control your opponents, especially in the Gi where the Gi material is a great tool. Rayron Gracie has developed a highly effective closed guard...

Here’s How To Shut Down The Annoying Muscle Sweep (From Closed Guard)

The closed guard is likely the first type of guard a beginner will learn in BJJ. It is a relatively basic yet powerful guard that can leave opponents trapped and restricted. Every grappler needs to...

BJJ White Belt Advice: Stuck In Closed Guard? Just Stand Up

Closed guard is a dangerous place to be in for the one on top. Your opponent has so many options and you, realistically have very few. You either have to open it or force a submission. You need to...

Broken Posture In Closed Guard? Andre Galvao Shows What To Do

Posture is one of the core principles of jiu-jitsu. Proper posture will keep you safe from submissions and sweeps. So your opponent broke your posture in Closed Guard? This is a bad position to be...

The Ankle Flare: A “Hidden” Detail That Makes The Difference (After Opening Closed Guard)

There are numerous ways to open your training partner’s or opponent’s Closed Guard. However, you can’t just pick all of them; that is to say, you need to pick a handful of techniques and...

The 3 Directions Of Movement You Need In Closed Guard

When you’re stuck in Closed Guard, you better know how to move… Otherwise, you’ll get swept and/or submitted in a blink of an eye. Opening a strong closed guard in No Gi is usually...

How To Open Closed Guard In BJJ? Andre Galvao Demonstrates

There are numerous ways to open your training partner’s or opponent’s Closed Guard. However, you can’t just pick all of them; that is to say, you need to pick a handful of techniques and...

Neck Lock – The Nastiest Way To Open The Closed Guard

Opening a strong closed guard in No Gi is usually way tougher than in the Gi. You don’t have much to hold on to, the opponent is slippery etc… You can either stand explosively and use...

How To Open Closed Guard? Try The “Knee Post” Method

There are numerous ways to open your training partner’s or opponent’s Closed Guard. However, you can’t just pick all of them; that is to say, you need to pick a handful of...

Opponent Stood Up In Your Guard? Go For The Body Clinch Takedown

Let’s remind ourselves of the most important thing you need to do when you have someone in your closed guard: attack at all times. Many jiujiteiros make a mistake of holding a closed guard for a...

Breaking and Passing Guard on a Bigger and Stronger Opponent with Andre Galvao

As I mentioned earlier, passing from the open guard is definitely ideal. Although open guard is preferable, it’s not going to be the case every time you grapple against a larger opponent. Sometimes...

Andre Galvao Teaches The Easiest Way To Open Closed Guard

There are numerous ways to open your training partner’s or opponent’s Closed Guard. However, you can’t just pick all of them; that is to say, you need to pick a handful of...

Do You Struggle with Breaking Closed Guard? These Tips Will Help

Breaking Closed Guard is one of those things that a lot of BJJ athletes – especially white and blue belts – have quite a bit of trouble with. Especially when they’re going against...

Neil Melanson’s Behind The Back Guard Pass Will Surprise Your Opponents

Coach Neil Melanson always has great and unexpected techniques under his sleeve, ones that will surely catch your own opponents unexpected! This time, he has a great Behind the Back Guard Pass that...

Opening The Closed Guard In No Gi Isn’t Easy, But This One Option Works Every Time

As you might have noticed, opening the Closed Guard in No Gi is super tricky business… Or, at the very least – a lot of times, it is much more difficult to do than it is the case in the Gi....

Prevent Your Opponents From Standing In Your Closed Guard By Doing This

Your closed guard is only as effective as your ability to use it for sweeps, transitions and submissions is… However, it’s only as useful as your ability to preserve it when your...