
Counter the Footlock with the Estima Lock

Counter the Footlock with the Estima Lock

Koty ‘White Heat’ Wader demonstrates how you can use the Estima Lock to counter the regular straight ankle lock.


Black belt Victor Estima explains the mechanics of the technique he developed in 2009 alongside his brother Braulio. He’s been catching numerous opponents with the Estima lock and now he teaches what you have to do to do it yourself.

Learn And Master The Most Unique Footlocks From The Multiple ADCC And World Champion Who Invented Them.

Braulio Estima Is Here To Walk You Through Developing A Lethal, Simple, And Devastating Lower Body Submission Game
Braulio Estima is a multiple time ADCC Champion and multiple time Black Belt World Champion who has wins over some of the best in the world including Marcelo Garcia.
Braulio has spent years refining this technique and has been able to utilize it successfully at the highest levels of competition.