
(Video) Jake Shields Calls AJ Agazarm a B*tch & P*ssy at Polaris 3

(Video) Jake Shields Calls AJ Agazarm a B*tch & P*ssy at Polaris 3


The AJ Agazarm vs  Jake Shields grappling match at Polaris 3 was wild! See Polaris 3 full results HERE.  On http://www.polaris-pro.org you can watch the full event even after it has finished.

The two grapplers engaged in a ton of trash talk leading up to Polaris. The match was exciting but ended in a draw.

In the after match speech Shield stated:

“This guy was talking crap the whole time, gouging my eyes. I just had my eye gouged for the first time in my life my last fight and now you got this prick doing the same thing. He was bragging yesterday, ‘I’m gonna try and make it a draw, I’m gonna try to make it a draw. I know I can’t beat you, but if I can make it a draw I’m gonna consider that a win.’ Well, congratulations A.J. You’re a bitch. How does it feel to be a pussy and get your draw?”