
Rafael Mendes on Beast Mode Training: ‘I Like doing 3 Mins Rounds Using Lots of Power’

Rafael Mendes on Beast Mode Training: ‘I Like doing 3 Mins Rounds Using Lots of Power’


Owen Francis Phgotography

Multiple times world champion Rafael Mendes  chatted with GRACIEMAG.com about his training and about what time of sparring system he uses at the Art of Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Costa Mesa, California:


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1. Three-minute rounds

“I do 15 rounds of three minutes each without resting between rounds. The goal is to win all rounds and use a lot of power into them. Short rounds make the match more equal, even against lower ranked opponents, so I have to be fast and powerful to win.”

2. Ten-minute rounds

“I also like to do 6 to 8 rounds of ten minutes without resting. The goal is to reach the submission without resting so I can keep moving. This is the kind of training that increases my endurance.”

3. Specific training of attack positions

“Another thing I do are rounds of 1 minute in 10 different attack situations: side control, mount, back taking without the hooks, etc. All that without resting between the one-minute rounds. The goal is to get the submission each and every time. I do that four times with five minutes of resting between sessions.”

4. Specific training of defense positions

“Same training we use to attack, but now focusing on the defense. The goal is to escape in one minute or less.”

5. “Speed drills”

“I repeat fast positions for short periods with maximum amount of power possible. I like this method of training a lot to improve my guard pass and the attack to the back.”