
Tom DeBlass On Things You Get Wrong About BJJ

Tom DeBlass On Things You Get Wrong About BJJ

The benefits of Jiu-Jitsu are numerous: self defense, increased fitness, health, social skills, self confidence, humility, ego killer, camaraderie etc…However, not everybody will understand this and see the benefits:

Top 10 Excuses People Use To Not Try Jiu-Jitsu & How To Counter Them

There are so many misconception when it comes to Jiu-Jitsu. Many people believe that you have to be in great shape to start Jiu-Jitsu. Others think that you have to start Jiu-Jitsu at a young age in order to be a high level practitioner or a world champion. Ruben Cobrinha or Eddie Cummings prove us wrong:

Eddie Cummings Started BJJ at 26 And Changed His Whole Life For The Gentle Art

The popular Tom DeBlass, BJJ black belt and instructor of Garry Tonon, recently wrote on social media what he believes are popular misconceptions about Jiu-Jitsu:

1. The fact of the matter is, most of the students in my Academy NEVER want to compete, and I like it that way.

I have doctors, lawyers, school teachers, law enforcement, gas station workers, and basically people from all different walks of life on the mats.

2. Many people think you are forced to live train and spar.

This is wrong. While rolling live is encouraged it is never mandatory. Many students come and take the work out to stay in shape and be around positive people with similar goals.

3. People think they can get the same workout in the gym as they can in a reputable Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy.

People are WRONG. As I do encourage people to use a gym it is not the same. While there are many disciplined people who train at gyms to stay in great shape, it is still very different. On the mats you build bonds that are almost impossible to break. Its a brotherhood and sisterhood only those training can understand.

4. Many people think it is to late to start training.

WRONG. It is never to late and the moment you step on the mats you should be treated like you have been there for YEARS. Everyone should welcome you with open arms and be eager to help you. Also we have different classes for different levels my friends.

5. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GET IN SHAPE TO TRAIN!!! Training is what is going to get you in shape. I have seen people lose over 100 lbs on the mats with hard work and dedication.