
These 5 Tips Will Help You Pass Any Jiu-Jitsu Guard

These 5 Tips Will Help You Pass Any Jiu-Jitsu Guard

The majority of Jiu-Jitsu is won and lost in the guard passing. For, if you know how to retain your guard and can pass the opponent’s guard, you’re already halfway through to winning the match.
So, learning how to pass guard is paramount. Here are 5 tips that will make your guard passing so much better!

Lachlan Giles demonstrates them on the video below:

World Medalist and ADCC Bronze medalist Lachlan Giles shows the body lock passing system he uses to pass any guard.
Six full volumes of content, breaking down this powerful pass step-by-step.
Full of narrated rolling so you can learn how to apply this in real sparring.
Lachlan is a world class coach and competitor, with students like Craig Jones. USE PROMO CODE “BJJEE TO GET 10% OFF.