
No, You Don’t Need To Be Excellent At Everything In Jiu-Jitsu (To Become Successful)

No, You Don’t Need To Be Excellent At Everything In Jiu-Jitsu (To Become Successful)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners often think that they need to be excellent at everything in order to become successful on the mats. That they need to excel at as many positions, techniques, concepts, and details as possible in order to become at least “good enough”.
But that’s a mistake. Even though you should seek competence in as many areas of Jiu-Jitsu as possible, you don’t need to become excellent at everything – but only at a handful of things.

How come, you ask?
Well, John Danaher has a simple explanation:

Be highly competent at everything and truly excellent at a few important things – that’s the path to greatness in Jiu jitsu.

You need competence at everything so that you don’t have any obvious weaknesses for an opponent to exploit.
You need real excellence at a few things to be able to break through even the toughest defenses and get to the win.

In other words, you should and need to aim for becoming the best at only a handful of things…

You can’t be the best at everything but you can definitely be good enough to be defensively strong, you definitely can be the best at a small number of things and that’s enough to win even at the highest levels.


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