
Innovative Way To Pass Guard: “Russian Tie” The Leg

Innovative Way To Pass Guard: “Russian Tie” The Leg

In Jiu-Jitsu, 80% of your time will be spent either defending your guard or passing the guard. Against a very high level guard player, passing the guard is definitely one of the hardest aspects to develop in the game. It is very time consuming and tiring. A more effective option is to attack a leg, force your opponent to defend and when they do, forget about defending the guard. That’s the exact time where you have an open road to pass the guard…

Yup, that’s right. There’s a really innovative way to pass guard that you probably haven’t learned before… And that wrestlers will love a lot.

And yes – it’s to “Russian Tie” the leg!
Greg Melita shows how to do this guard pass on the video below:

Acquire All Of The Techniques You Need To Work Out Of Some Of The Most Difficult Positions And Place Yourself In A More Advantageous Spot To Be Successful With Black Belt Greg Melita.

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