
How To Deal With Chaos In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

How To Deal With Chaos In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

If you’ve just started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (or even if you’ve been training for a while), you’ve probably felt kind of anxious here and there…
Simply because there’s so much chaos on the mats.

Meaning: there are so many techniques and so many variations to them…
And, yet, it’s all so unpredictable. You never know what your training partner could do next and if you’ll be able to handle it well.

So, how are you supposed to deal with all this chaos?
Brian Glick has words of advice:

Most situations we find ourselves in are not completely one or the other.

There are those things you can predict with relative certainty because you’ve seen them happen before.
Then, there are things that ARE too variable to predict.

That’s part of what makes a scramble in Jiu-Jitsu a scramble: our regular, linear approach doesn’t work.

So, how are you supposed to work around this disorder? Well, there is a simple solution.
But it’s not an easy one:

You can work with this part of Jiu-Jitsu by looking for REGULARITIES IN OTHERWISE COMPLEX SITUATIONS.

Does your partner always react the same way when you pull or push them? Is there a leg or arm position you can recognize? Practicing like this means putting yourself in the midst of disorder. Jiu-Jitsu teaches that it’s worth our time to try to find order in such chaotic situations.

Have a system you can use, know when to use it – and then know what to do when it stops working.


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