
Craig Jones: “Jiu-Jitsu Has Ruined More Lives Than It’s Saved”

Craig Jones: “Jiu-Jitsu Has Ruined More Lives Than It’s Saved”

You’ve probably heard that “Jiu-Jitsu saved my life” expression at one time or another, as well as seen a T-shirt with the phrase…
And so has Craig Jones. And he doesn’t like it.

In fact, Jones believes that BJJ has ruined more lives than it has saved:

People always have these stupid f*cking T-shirts and sh*t… “Jiu-Jitsu saved my life.”
I guarantee you that it has ruined more lives than it’s saved.

But why so?
Well, Jones says it’s because of BJJ’s negative influence on people’s relationships, careers, and health:

People have lost relationships because of Jiu-Jitsu, they’ve lost jobs… Sometimes they don’t even get fired from their job because they keep skipping work for training.
They just think that it’s a great idea to quit their job and take a lower-paying job, so that they can train more Jiu-Jitsu.

Jiu-Jitsu is not good for your body.
It’s bad for your back, it’s bad for your neck… It’s bad for your knees, it’s bad for your elbows…

And that’s even if you’re good! Just imagine what it would be like if you absolutely suck.

So again, “Jiu-Jitsu ruined my life” would be a much more fitting T-shirt.

He emphasizes that the decision to quit a job in order to train more isn’t the smartest of ideas:

You know, a lot of people will have higher-paying, career jobs – and then downgrade their lifestyles so they can train more Jiu-Jitsu.

Again, that’s dumb!

You might be listening to a lot of “alpha male podcasts” about pursuing your dreams… That’s not a good idea.