
Result for: rickson gracie

Andre Galvao on Metamoris Pro: “These rules are fine for someone who wants to drag out a draw.”

Andre Galvao has a counter to Ryron Gracie’s interview. You can see that Andre Galvao is taking the Metamoris Pro challenge very seriously. We also get the impression that he feels that the...

Exclusive interview with the owner of M Kimonos, Luciana Machado Simon

Thanks to our friends from BJJ Heroes for the original interviewLuciana Machado is the proud owner of the famous M Kimonos Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brand. MKimonos was arguably the first brand to become...

Xande is back! Xande Ribeiro talks about his competition goals in 2012, his new school,and shares some wisdom about Jiu-Jitsu

1. Xande, first of all congratulations on winning the San Diego trials. What can we expect from you competition wise in 2012? Xande and Saulo Ribeiro training in Hawaii After couple years strugling...

Setting Up The Guillotine Choke Without Losing Position & Compromising Yourself

The Guillotine Choke is a very powerful submission, one that gets all of the attention from everyone when performed correctly! However, if you don’t set it up properly, it can be defended...