
Mikey Musumeci Talks Hygiene Issues In BJJ: “Some Guys Haven’t Showered In Days”

Mikey Musumeci Talks Hygiene Issues In BJJ: “Some Guys Haven’t Showered In Days”

Mikey Musumeci has recently voiced his concerns over hygiene standards within the BJJ community.

Specifically, he shared his experiences with poor hygiene practices he has encountered in various BJJ gyms…
And it’s not pretty by any means:

I’ve been to some gyms where guys clearly haven’t showered in days.
You can smell them from across the mat. It’s nasty and completely unacceptable.

Musumeci emphasized that the sport we’re all practicing needs practitioners who take care of their hygiene:

We’re rolling around with each other’s sweat and gripping each other’s gis.
If someone isn’t clean, it’s incredibly disrespectful to your training partners.

So what’s the solution against those who don’t practice good hygiene?
It’s a rather simple one, actually:

Some people need to be told point blank that their hygiene is unacceptable.
It isn’t fair to anyone else at the gym.

Hear out Mikey Musumeci’s full thoughts on the topic on the video below:


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What are your thoughts on the subject?
Ever rolled with someone who had an obvious lack of personal hygiene? What was it like?

Let us know!