
Mind Blowing Peruvian Necktie Escape

Mind Blowing Peruvian Necktie Escape

The Peruvian necktie (in No Gi) or the Gerbi choke (with the Gi) is one of the most powerful choke techniques in grappling. The choke uses brilliant body mechanics and leverage to put a ton of pressure.

The set up is similar to the guillotine choke or the anaconda choke, usually starting from the front headlock position. The Peruvian necktie really requires very little strength and squeeze in order to the be successful. That’s why it’s great fro smaller grapplers who have a hard time finishing guillotines.

With the Peruvian necktie, you are using both your ams and your legs against the opponent’s neck and arm. The pressure is tremendous.

BJJ black belt Gile Huni of Kimura BJJ Serbia, shows an effective set up from the front headlock position in No Gi:

The same Gile Huni shows a defense and escape for the Gi version of the Peruvian necktie, which is called the Gerbi choke (named after the world champion Israeli Judoka). You just have to block the second leg and jump over and bridge. Then you circle towards the legs and you are out: