Megaton Dias has recently made some quite interesting comments about his daughter’s MMA career. His daughter, Mackenzie Dern won pretty much everything there’s to win in bjj and made quite a few interesting showings in MMA in spite of some controversy attached to her making weight last few fights.
Still it can’t be easy to see your daughter fight in a cage. Here’s what Wellington Megaton Dias told tatame:
“I’m certainly nervous, even in her fights in Jiu-Jitsu, I’m even more nervous than I am when I’m going to fight,”
Still there’s plenty more ground for Dern to cover – and in fact Dias believes this is the year we’ll see her in the UFC
“I think Mackenzie has already won all the Jiu-Jitsu titles she could, does not mean she can not do it again. MMA is being a new challenge. (Laughs), it’s kind of hard to see herher pretty little face in punched in . Face that daddy kisses, no one puts his hand on. I think she’s adjusting well in this transition, and I think she can be a UFC champion. Technique and potential, everything she does is excellent.I believe she will fight this year at UFC. “
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.