
Just When You Thought You’d Seen It All: The ‘Baby Armbar’ from Luiz Panza

Just When You Thought You’d Seen It All: The ‘Baby Armbar’ from  Luiz Panza

World No Gi and Pan Champion Luiz Panza is known for his danegrous leglock game. Panza, the former professional model has recently become a father to a beautiful little girl Victoria and he takes his baby everywhere, surfing, BJJ competitions and even the mat!

Luiz Panza and his baby Victoria demonstrating a slick armbar:

Armbars are a classic grappling technique. Every grappling style has their version of the armbar. The longest running joke online is “Rickson by armbar”. It is effective, and it especially powerful from the north south position. Use it to finish anyone that you can get in the north south position. If you want to improve these powerful submission attacks then check out 5x world BJJ champion Bernardo Faria’s foundations of Jiu-Jitsu instructional :