
How Strong Will You Get Just From Training Jiu-Jitsu?

How Strong Will You Get Just From Training Jiu-Jitsu?

Unlike only lifting weights, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu will make you use of all of your muscles in pulling and pushing motions. This will result in you getting more conditioned muscles. …

The truth of the matter is, if you want to be stronger on the mat BJJ is enough. But if you want to be stronger, look athletic, and protect your body from injuries, you should do BJJ and lift weights.

How ripped will you get from just training BJJ? The simple answer is that BJJ is an excellent workout and will help you get lean and muscular. However, without a good strength and conditioning routine and diet, BJJ alone is not likely going to get you ripped like Andre Galvao, Gordon Ryan.

Jiu-Jitsu practitioners that train frequently at a high intensity and have a clean diet will naturally drop BF%. Many will even get a six pack from training BJJ.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gives you 2 things, constant crunches when playing guard and a HIIT type workout (High Intensity Interval Training).

BJJ and grappling sports such as Judo or Wrestling training develops your core muscles unlike any other martial art. Core strength is a key aspect to BJJ. Your core is where the majority of your strength comes from in BJJ.


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Physical change

BJJ is a sport that will give you a complete workout. You will work all your muscles, your heart and your lungs. You will also feel your muscles aching, your skin toughening, your fingers getting stronger all while your body starts to adapt to the sport.

BJJ is a new and fun way that you can improve your aerobic endurance – no treadmill required. In fact, BJJ is both an aerobic and anaerobic activity. So you’ll experience heart-healthy benefits while getting some shorter, more powerful interval training in as well.


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Rolling Strong combines scientific exercises and routines specifically geared towards grappling.

Phil Daru is a performance coach for over 200 Elite Level Fighters in all aspects of combat sports.
Learn a comprehensive approach that covers everything from proper warmups to exercises designed to improve your guard!